No Secret Agents

Today's prayer focus was for our surrounding community and the passage for our reading was Matthew 5:13-16. I was struck when doing some reading this afternoon by the authors brief interaction with that same text. It seemed timely so I'm posting this as a sort of attachment to the blog.

"In the increasingly pagan world that Western civilization has become, Christian witness is bound to stand out like a sore thumb. It's only normal that light attracts notice in the dark. "You are the light of the world; a city set on a hill cannot be hidden," said Jesus (Matt.5:14). As public mores deteriorate and the social fabric comes unraveled, those who govern their lives by their baptismal identity in Christ can no longer blend into the wallpaper of society; they will stand out in sharp contrast. But this is as it should be. Christians are not called to be secret agenst operating incognito, but witneses for their Lord and Savior by their words and example."
Harold Senkbeil, The Cure of Souls, p. 230

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