Women's Ministry

"Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving."

— Colossians 2:6–7

Women in our culture have significant pressure and bear enormous burdens. We want to relieve the pressure and ease the burden by more deeply connecting you to the One who can bear all of our burdens.

The women's ministry at Generations is a way to pursue personal discipleship and relational connection through the simple rhythm of regular Bible study together, supplemented by other events during the year.

We can get intimidated by how big the Bible is and how hard parts of it are to understand. But we're convinced that Jesus is the solution to all our struggles and the one who satisfies all of our deepest longings. And it's through God's word that we learn about and encounter Jesus. We walk side by side together so that we might see Christ more fully formed in one another.

This is for all women of all ages, in all walks of life, with any desire to know God and other women more deeply. You don't have to know anything about the Bible, and you certainly don't have to know everything about the Bible. It's a safe environment where women can come with questions, thoughts, struggles, doubts, and a desire for something deeper than surface level solutions for soul level needs.
If you have questions about the women's ministry at Generations, please reach out to Martina McCallie. Thanks!

Fall Bible Studies

This fall,  the ladies of Generations will have three different bible studies starting up. There will be a study in John,  Revelations, and Colossians/Philemon.

The studies will meet at the church on Tuesday night and Friday mornings.