February 20th, 2025
- Pray for unity in our homes.
- Pray for a continued passion for local outreach.
- Pray for clarity and understanding when hearing God’s word and reading it.
February 13th, 2025
- Pray for those who may be in attendance this Sunday who have never come alive to Jesus, that they may come to faith in him; and pray for the Lord to lead you personally to invite someone to come.
- Pray for our team (Scottie, Caleb, Robbie and Kevin) going on a vision trip next week to southern Colombia; that the Holy Spirit would give them wisdom, knit their hearts with people, make their ministry fruitful and guide us in any future partnerships.
- Pray for the McCallies as they make final preparations for their move to Austria, and for their transition to living and ministering there.
February 5th, 2025
- Pray that the Lord would give us ears to hear as we explore the parables of Jesus over the next few Sundays, that the word of God might penetrate our hearts and bear real spiritual fruit. Pray against stagnation, apathy, pride, and anything else that would harden our hearts to the truth.
- Remember that on February 16th, Caleb will be preaching a particularly evangelistic sermon on the kingdom of heaven being like a hidden treasure. Pray by name for one non-Christian in your life that you can invite to church that Sunday.
- Pray for The Well Church of Americus, a church plant that Generations has supported for the past few years. Pray for Pastor John Schroeder, his wife Jill, and their children Judah and Jessah. Ask the Lord to continue bringing their neighbors to faith in Christ and for the provision of their own building to meet in. To read their 2024 year-end update, click here.
January 29th, 2025
- Pray for one person in your life (by name) who doesn’t know Jesus; that they would come to saving faith in Jesus this year.
- Pray for our Scottie, Caleb, Kevin and Robbie as they prepare for a trip to Colombia (Feb 22-March 3), and for the Spirit’s direction regarding potential church planting partnerships.
- Pray for our hunger for God’s word and God’s presence in our lives personally and as a church family.
January 22nd, 2025
- Pray for the new leaders of our country to lead in justice and righteousness.
- Ask God to establish and strengthen faith and Godly disciplines in us as a result of our time of fasting. Pray for protection against backsliding.
- Thank God for his provision and ask him to make us more aware of his goodness towards us.
January 8th, 2025
- Pray for God's wisdom and leading going into our fast during the week of January 19th. What would God have you surrender over to him that week? Food, media, social media, gaming, alcohol, etc? The week is about drawing nearer to God and your church family. Pray for the Holy Spirit to work greatly among us that week, especially as we meet nightly for a time of prayer!
- Pray by name, each day this week, for one person's soul to be saved!
- Pray for our students, teachers and bus drivers as they return to school this week. Pray for them to be bold Ambassadors of Jesus!
January 2nd, 2025
- As the new year begins, let’s pray for those who see this time as an opportunity to make a fresh start. Those of us who may have had “destruction” in our lives brought on by others or by our own bad decisions seek refuge in a beautiful thing that our heavenly father created…a changing of seasons. Joel 2:25 states this, “I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the hopper, the destroyer, and the cutter, my great army, which I sent among you.” After crop destruction (followed by famine), the Lord promised to restore what the children of God had lost. That same infinite mercy is extended to us through Christ’s death and resurrection. Restoration is our hope as we head into 2025.
- Let’s pray that we see the new year as an opportunity to seek out those that are lonely, hurting, or lost. Once again, we are asking God to give us His eyes to see “the least of these” as an opportunity to love our Lord and not as a barrier to relaxation and fun.
- Finally, as the world spirals into its own demise, let us pray for focus. The world is increasingly hectic, busy, sad and mentally destructive. If we keep our eyes on Christ and on His precepts, we will see results. Philippians 4:8-9 states this, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned[a] and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.”
December 25th, 2024
- Pray that the Lord would make us a people of blessing during this holiday season as we spend time with family and friends and neighbors
- Pray for our missionary partners to experience God’s presence and grace in a special way during the Christmas season
- Pray for this coming year to be one of great fruitfulness at Generations in terms of both our maturing in Christ and seeing people come to faith in Christ.
- Pray for all our families that have just had and are about to have babies.
December 18th, 2024
- Praise God for being such a great Father who doesn’t withhold good things from his children. He is good.
- Thank God for the gift of Jesus and all of the ways your life has been blessed through Him.
- Pray for the lost souls we have an opportunity to point to Jesus this Christmas. Pray especially for those in your life who you’ll get the opportunity to minister to during the holidays.
December 11th, 2024
- Please lift up the Latham family as they navigate this time of loss and prepare for the funeral. Pray for peace and comfort to surround them.
- Keep our students and teachers in your prayers as they work hard to finish the semester strong. Pray for endurance, focus, and encouragement.
- Pray for the upcoming mission trip to Colombia in February. Ask God to prepare the way, opening doors for meaningful kingdom connections and impactful ministry.
December 4th, 2024
- Pray that during this Advent season we would all focus upon the eternal gift we have in the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, our Messiah.
- Pray for our lost family members and friends to receive salvation through Jesus this Christmas.
- Pray for the Holy Spirit to renew and refresh us as we celebrate Jesus this Christmas season.
November 27th, 2024
- No matter what may be going wrong in your life, take a moment to call to mind some of the things you’re most grateful for. Give thanks to God, the giver of “every good gift” (James 1:17).
- Ask the Lord to bring to mind specific non-Christians in your life that you can show hospitality to this holiday season. It could be an invitation to your Thanksgiving dinner, to our church on a Sunday, or simply grabbing coffee together. Pray that God would help you pursue these relationships with gospel intentionality.
- Don Latham is in hospice in his home in Norcross, and his son Lonnie and daughter LaDana are caring for him. Please pray for the Lord’s loving presence to be felt by their entire family in this difficult moment.
November 20th, 2024
- Philippians 4:6-7 says this, "do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." In times of anxiety we tend to turn our thoughts towards asking for peace. Yet, this scripture gives us the formula to peace by praying and doing so with a thankful heart. This action is our counter-attack to anxiety. So let's ask God to prod our hearts towards thankfulness and to seek out all that we could be thankful for while pouring out requests to our Father.
- Jesus taught us how to pray in Matthew 6:5-14. In doing so, our Lord never spoke from a personal point of reference. He made His petitions a communal request, ("Our Father...", "Give us this day...", "...forgive us our trespasses...", "Lead us not into temptation..."). Many times, we choose to pray from a "My Father" perspective when Jesus clearly calls us to pray from a community perspective. This week, let's focus on bringing our praises and petitions as a people who are crying out on behalf of the entire world and not just our own little world.
- Lastly, let us focus on today. Returning to Jesus' example of prayer, He states, "Give us this day, our daily bread". The beauty of praying for today (and today only) is that it adds value to the "now". For so many of us, there are a multitude of things that we want to be and do before we pass from this earth. But today is important and it is equally important that we pray for all the potentials that each day holds. So let's ask our Father in heaven for everything needed for today and trust the bucket list fulfillment to the One who knows what we will actually want in the days to come.
November 13th, 2024
- Ask God to open our eyes to the people around us who we can invite into our homes and show the love of Christ to.
- Pray for opportunities and boldness to share the Gospel.
- Pray for salvation to come to our community through the faithfulness of Generations.
November 6th, 2024
- Pray for the aftermath of our elections on 11/5 that there would be peace and a time of healing between our political parties both locally and nationally.
- Pray for peace in the Middle East and that the war would not escalate, but end soon. Pray for God's continued protection and provision for Israel.
- Pray for favor from God and One Heart Church as we await a response to our offer to restore the Family Center.
October 30th, 2024
- Pray for our nation as we approach the election next week; especially for the witness of the Church in our nation regardless of outcome; that our hope would be in Jesus and we’d walk in the way of Jesus.
- Pray for the Lord’s favor and provision around the ongoing building negotiations and the hopes of securing a long term lease in our location.
- Pray for this season of thanksgiving to be one of ministry and healing with friends and family.
October 23rd, 2024
- Pray that God would grant repentance to our country over our apathy towards and even celebration of abortion. Ask the Lord to make our church a community that boldly stands for justice while also offering compassion and support to families in need. Consider coming out to pray with us at the local abortion clinic (Contact Jackie Swann or Scottie Finlayson for details).
- Christians in Cuba have told Paul Thompson that Cuba’s power grid is having progressively worse collapses. This prevents access to internet and many critical services, causing tensions to rise among a populace that has already been suffering for a long time. Pray that the Lord would sustain our brothers and sisters there and help them to be salt and light to their neighbors in the midst of great hardship.
- Pray that the Spirit of the Lord would energize our discipleship efforts, helping us to bear spiritual fruit and be conformed to the image and likeness of Christ. Ask God to show you one concrete way that he wants to grow you this year.
October 16th, 2024
- Pray for clarity in each home and throughout our leadership. Marriage, parenting, career, school, moving and all other forms of relationships can create feelings of uncertainty within any group of people. We are asking for the Holy Spirit to remove the fog that comes with these relationships/situations and for Him to lead us down roads that are filled with a clear vision of where He wants us to go and where he wants us to be.
- As we are full swing in our Bible studies and cohorts, it is a good time to pray for breakthroughs. There are some among us who are feeling the prodding of the Holy Spirit to turn away from the same habits and routines that have led to "roadblocks" in our walk with Christ. We are asking God to break those old chains and to breathe new life into our hearts so that we can be better equipped to breathe that same life into others who may feel hopeless against those same barriers.
- There are also those within Generations that are living in victory. They are feeling a strong sense of the Holy Spirit in their lives and they are correctly responding to Him. Let's pray for them to "not be weary in well doing", to not focus on the failures of others and to not feel discouraged by the trivial matters of this world (Galatians 6:9). We pray that they have the strength to carry their faithfulness on to completion.
October 9th, 2024
- Pray for those who are being impacted by the recent hurricanes. Hurricane Milton is headed to central Florida not long after the devastation of Hurricane Helene. Pray that the residents in that area would be able to evacuate safely, and God would keep them out of harms way.
- So much of the hurricane devastation is just miles away from us. Lives and property have been affected in our state, and so many of our bordering states. Ask God for wisdom on how we, as a church, can provide aid to those whose lives have been forever changed by the hurricanes.
- Praise God for being our provider and protector! Ask him to remind us of all he has done for us so that we may praise Him.
October 2nd, 2024
- Pray for those who were affected by Hurricane Helene and wisdom on how we (as a church and individually) could help aid in the long recovery that is to come.
- Pray for local ministries as they maneuver through the growing physical and psychological needs surrounding their efforts to spread the Gospel in a real and tangible way. We would love to focus, in particular, on Upper90 and the Norcross Co-op.
- Pray for a desire to bring Christ into all areas of life. To help us to remove the distractions that hinder that effort and wisdom on how to fixate on Him in our daily (sometimes mundane) activities.
September 25th, 2024
- Pray for Felix and Priscilla Kambou in Burkina Faso and for the churches and orphanage they oversee while terrorist attacks against Christians continues to loom over the country. Pictures and detailed updates are in the Wheatons latest newsletter under the missionary partners tab in the app or click the link.
- Pray for the women’s retreat this weekend, that the Holy Spirit would move powerfully among the ladies and knit their hearts to each other.
- Pray for the Holy Spirit to guard our hearts against spiritual malaise and lethargy; that we might not settle for the status quo, but that we would hunger for and experience the presence and power of God in our lives for both our oneness with each other and our witness to the world.
September 18th, 2024
- In light of the second attempted assassination of former President Trump on Sunday, pray that political violence and polarization in our country would be brought to an end by the Prince of Peace. Pray that Christians would lead the way in being peacemakers, even with those who would consider themselves our enemies.
- Pray for our local outreach partner, Neighborhood Cooperative Ministries, as they seek to raise $500k at a fundraising dinner this Thursday. Ask the Lord to provide for them as they seek to meet the physical and spiritual needs of our most at-risk neighbors.
- This month’s spiritual practice is prayer. Ask the Lord how he wants to deepen your prayer life, and consider joining us this Thursday at 7:00 pm for a prayer meeting at the church.
September 11th, 2024
- Pray for peace and unity in our country as we head into the current election cycle.
- Pray for Peace in the Middle East.
- Pray for our Cohorts, Bible studies and care groups as they all rollout this month.
September 4th, 2024
- Pray for the Church as a whole in Burkina Faso and for Felix and Priscilla in particular. A congregation was attacked last week outside the capital city of Ouagadougou, and terrorists executed 26 people. Pray for protection and courage of brothers and sisters there.
- Pray for cohorts as they are about to get started; for them to be environments of deep friendship and fruitful discipleship.
- Pray for Upper90’s fall season; that our witness through soccer and english classes would lead kids and their families into an encounter with Christ.
August 28th, 2024
- Ask God to reveal to us ways we can engage our neighbors more in hospitality. Pray for obedience in following through.
- Pray for discipline in the spiritual practices that help us grow and bear fruit.
- Pray for the Bible study leaders as they prepare for the Fall studies. Ask God to illuminate His Word to us by His Spirit.
August 21st, 2024
- Pray for wisdom as we seek direction with our church building.
- Pray for opportunities and boldness to share the gospel this week.
- Ask God to show us ways we can be serving each other as a church family. We each have different gifts that we can use to build up the church, seek the Lord's guidance in using them.
August 14th, 2024
- As school is starting back up, pray for all the students and teachers of our church as they return. Pray that the Lord would give them a vision for being salt and light in their classrooms, pointing those around them to the love of Christ.
- Pray for our potential renovation of the building. Pray that God would give us clarity and favor in this process.
- We have two more weeks of our new sermon series left. Pray that as we preach through this, we are truly being formed in Christ
August 7th, 2024
- Pray for us all to walk by the Spirit so we do not gratify the desires of our flesh (Galatians 5:16).
- Pray for us all to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that we may be filled with the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:19).
- Pray for all of us to draw near to God so that He will draw near to us (James 4:8a).
July 31st, 2024
- Pray for the Spirit’s guidance as we launch our new ministry year in August. Ask God to give us wisdom as we order our discipleship environments and to produce lasting spiritual fruit through them. Consider how the Lord is leading you to get involved, whether that’s through a cohort, Bible study, or partnering with a local ministry to live missionally.
- Pray for all the students and teachers of our church as they return to school. Pray that the Lord would give them a vision for being salt and light in their classrooms, pointing those around them to the love of Christ.
- Pray for The Well Church of Americus, an Acts 29 church plant in south Georgia that Generations is supporting. Pray for Pastor John Schroeder and his family, particularly his daughter Jessah who hasn’t slept through the night for over a year. And praise God for two people, Noah and Zoe, who have professed faith in Christ!
July 24th, 2024
- Pray that mediocrity and cynicism do not take root in our hearts but that we will return to our first love according to Revelation 2:4-5.
- Pray that we continue to rely on the Holy Spirit in our daily affairs.
- Pray that our hearts never sit still, but continue to be prodded for those who still don’t know Jesus.
July 17th, 2024
- Ask God to reveal Himself and His glory to us through the world he has created. Be still and know that He is God.
- Pray for our country. Pray for unity in place of division. Pray for peace to win over rage. Pray for opportunities to share the hope that comes from being Children of God.
- Thank God for his provision.
July 10th, 2024
- This month's spiritual practice is simplicity. Ask yourself, do the possessions I have and the schedule I commit to reflect the person I want to become? Let's all meditate and reflect on simplicity this coming week. Click on the link to learn more about this practice.
- Praise God for those who have committed to leadership roles in NextGen, cohorts and community groups this coming ministry year. Also pray for more leaders in all areas to be raised up to serve the body of Christ.
- Pray for unity and peace in our country as we head into the 2024 political election cycle. Pray for all our appointed leaders in the US.
July 3rd, 2024
- A few of of our church members, Jeff Allen and His daughter, Clara are traveling to Peru for a missions trip. Pray for them as they leave this week. Pray for safety and for them to continue to build on relationships they've started last year. Pray God would use them in a mighty way.
- This past Sunday we talked about our partnership with Proximity Gap Network. Pray for the work they do here in the Norcross community. Pray for the upcoming month, where we will be taking donations for the community fair, and pray that the community fair on August 3rd would be impactful and beneficial for the community, that people would see the love and care of the Lord through the hands of others.
- Pray for Eduardo Flores, our missions partner in Colombia, and his family as they try to enter the U.S. and are having visa troubles.
June 26th, 2024
- Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide individuals and families on how to make space for a proper sabbath, personally and in a familial setting.
- Pray for a more heightened awareness of spiritual warfare that is taking place in our own lives and the lives of those around us.
- Pray for wisdom and peace for those who are in crisis situations or are in the middle of making major life decisions.
June 19th, 2024
- John and Abby Thompson, missionaries we support in Peru, are traveling back to the states with their kids and will be with us this week. Pray for their health as they have been battling a lot of sickness and for their visit back home to be refreshing and life giving.
- Prayer for the healing of marriages that are in a season of struggle and the strengthening of those that are in a good place.
- Pray for a real hunger for God's word and ask God how to implement it in our daily walk with Him.
- Pray for wisdom to be given to all those who are walking alongside those who are in a season of weakness. Ask God to to give them strength to not fall into their own (awaiting) pitfalls throughout the process.
June 12th, 2024
- Praise God for restoring Michael Cody’s health after he was hospitalized last week for serious diabetic complications! This was a very scary time for him and his family, but the Lord healed his body and cared for his family’s needs through the prayers and actions of many brothers and sisters in Christ. For more info, see Michael’s update here.
- Pray for our Wednesday night classes on marriage, parenting, and finances. Ask the Lord to be a shield and refuge for us against the very real attacks of the enemy in these areas. Pray that all of our families would be strengthened to walk in love and faithfulness to the Lord.
- Praise God for completion of our first ever Spanish-language Bible study in the KRC apartments. Now that we’ve read through the first 5 chapters of John together, pray that the Lord would continue to work in the hearts of those who participated and give us wisdom on how to invite them into deeper connection with our church family.
June 5th, 2024
- Pray for Michael, Maegan and their family. Michael and Maegan are our mission partners in South Africa and Michael has been admitted to the ICU with a condition involving his diabetes. We are praying for the medical team to know how to treat him and for the medical staff to figure out what triggered this event. God has already been so faithful with their community, insurance and finances and we want to continue to lean on Him through this.
- Pray for God to send non-believers to Generations to hear the Gospel and to experience His love through our church body.
- Pray for all families that will be headed out on vacation this month. Thank the Lord for provision and protection as they travel.
- Pray for God to quickly provide the balance of volunteers that are needed for NextGen in the coming ministry year.
May 29th, 2024
- Ask God to bless the Wednesday night Summer classes and those who are participating in them.
- Pray for wisdom for our elders with how to best steward our church’s resources.
- Pray that God will raise up new church leaders for our community groups, cohorts, and Bible studies.
May 22nd, 2024
- This summer we are starting a new sermon series in the Psalms. Pray that the Holy Spirit would be with the pastors as they prepare for the sermons and with anyone hearing the message, that it would lead them closer to Christ.
- Our boys and girls will be going on a youth retreat next month! Pray for their time there and for the volunteers helping out.
- Pray for our summer classes starting in a few weeks. Pray for the teachers and all the individuals and families attending, that they might feel fellowship and that the time there would be edifying and growing.
May 14th, 2024
- Pray for all our students and teachers as the school year comes to an end. Pray for wisdom, perseverance and joy as they head into the summer. Also pray for our graduates and their families as they head into this new season of life.
- Pray for our Wednesday night gatherings this summer. Pray for the Spirit to feed and guide us as we go through our classes and evenings of fellowship together.
- Pray big for the Spirit to help us with our increasing NextGen space concerns. We have been blessed with so many children and want to serve them and our volunteers well. Space is becoming a significant concern as God continues to grow His church at Generations.
May 8th, 2024
- Pray for gratitude. Let’s center our hearts on gratitude by acknowledging the blessings and provisions we have through salvation and by searching our history to find landmarks in our past. May we express thankfulness for the relationships, opportunities, and moments of joy in our lives, cultivating a heart of appreciation and contentment.
- Be praying for guidance and wisdom. As we navigate the challenges and uncertainties of life, let us seek divine guidance and wisdom. May we open ourselves to receive clarity and insight, trusting in the Holy Spirit to illuminate our paths and lead us towards purposeful decisions and actions.
- Pray for healing and comfort: in times of illness, pain, loneliness, or distress, let us lift up prayers for healing and comfort. May those who are suffering find solace in the embrace of Christ’s love, experiencing relief from their afflictions and strength to endure their trials with courage and resilience.
May 1st, 2024
- Thank God for his faithfulness to our church! He has provided so many blessings that we get to enjoy as a church family. Think of three things to thank Him for.
- This week, ask God to protect the members of our church from conforming to the world. With so many competing desires and opportunities at our finger tips we need God’s strength and power to lead us in pursuit of eternal things.
- Pray for volunteers for our Next Gen ministry. As we end our ministry year in a few months and begin our new one, consider taking a step of faith into serving our church in this way.
April 24th, 2024
- Pray for the men of our church who are back from the men’s retreat. Pray that the work God began in them grows and isn’t snuffed out.
- Pray for the leaders of our church. Pray for protection against the enemy, worldliness, and the flesh. Pray for them to be humble and submissive before the Lord as servant leaders. Ask God to encourage them when they feel inadequate or overwhelmed.
- Ask God to lead us in proper worship of Him. We are to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice as our spiritual act of worship. Pray for opportunities to worship Him in every day life.
April 17th, 2024
- Pray for the men's retreat this weekend. Pray that the Holy Spirit would be with them as they fellowship together.
- There is a lot of physical burden in our church right now. Pray for the health issues and physical suffering that is present in our church body.
- Pray for more volunteers in our ministries that need more help. Pray for hearts to desire to serve and find joy in the work of the body of Christ.
April 10th, 2024
- This month’s spiritual practice is storying. Pray for opportunities to the share the gospel with non-believers and pray for the Holy Spirit to embolden us to obey when opportunities arise.
- Pray for the Holy Spirt to fill us, that we might become a church that makes prayer central to our individual lives and the life of Generations.
- Pray for Scottie Finlayson and Adam Barker as they will be installed as elders this coming Sunday. Pray for the Spirit’s filling, guidance, wisdom and protection. Also pray the same for Lisa Barker as she steps into the role of an elder’s wife.
April 3rd, 2024
- Our men will be heading out on April 19th for the annual men's retreat. Pray for them and their time there together, that God would grow them in their fellowship and ministering to one another.
- Pray for the possibility of new local and global missions partners and discernment for where the Lord would have us serve.
- One of the churches that we partner with is in Burkina Faso, and Pastor Felix and his team are working tirelessly towards new church plant initiatives. Pray for them as they labor in these efforts. To read about their 2023 year end update, click on the link or go to our Missionary Partners page.
March 27th, 2024
- Easter is this Sunday and we want to pray that unbelievers attending our Easter service would hear the gospel and respond to it.
- During our Easter service, Laila, Shenique, and Jayden will be baptized! Pray for them as they take this next step of obedience this week.
- As many of our families and individuals are going on vacation for Spring Break, pray they would have opportunities and courage to share the gospel with those they encounter.
March 20th, 2024
- This month’s spiritual practice is meditation. Pray that our church would spend time deep in God’s word this month with meaningful time of reflection and prayer.
- Pray for those being installed as deacons this coming Sunday. Thank the Lord for continuing to raise up leaders within His church!
- As the Lord continues to grow His church through us, pray that the Christ-centered fellowship and unity we have at Generations would continue.
- A family member of someone in our community is currently in the hospital and in critical condition. Pray for healing, encouragement and hope for her, and pray God would give the doctors wisdom as they treat her.
March 12th, 2024
- Easter is coming up and we want to pray for God to use our Easter service to witness to those coming who do not usually attend church.
- Pray for safe travels home for James, Kevin, Scottie, John and Marva as they fly back from Colombia tonight.
- As we preach through Matthew's mission discourse pray that our church would continue to bear fruit from our focus on missions.
- UPPER90, a local soccer ministry we partner with, has experienced a very full sign up roster this soccer season. We are so thankful for that blessing and for all the work Tyler Hoitsma pours into this ministry. Pray that the children and parents involved would feel ministered to and loved through this season and that our church would continue to build lasting relationships with them.
March 6th, 2024
- Pray for our brothers and sisters doing ministry in Colombia (James, Kevin, Scottie, John and Marva, ). Pray for the gospel to spread like wildfire and for the churches they are visiting to be encouraged during their visit.
- Pray for opportunities to share the gospel. Ask God to lead you to the lost and needy among us and to share His love.
- Ask God to minister to those in our church who are hurting (physically, emotionally, etc.). Pray for healing, encouragement, and hope, which our Heavenly Father loves to lavish on His children.
February 28th, 2024
- We have five members of our church traveling to Colombia next week. Pray for them as they visit with and minister to our three church partners there. Kevin Maner, John and Marva Grant, Scottie Finlayson and James Rowell will be going and we'd like to pray for them as a group and individually that God would guide them while they're there.
- Pray for Upper90, a soccer ministry we partner with, as their spring season practices are underway. Games start next Saturday (March 9th) and we want to pray for a fruitful season of ministry among the families and communities that are being served through the sport.
- This Sunday’s sermon will be on Matthew 9:36-10:4, in which Jesus tells us, “the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. “He then instructs us to “pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Let’s obey Jesus this week and pray earnestly this way. Pray for more leaders to be raised up in the church, for more pastors and church planters to be equipped, for churches (including ours) to develop and mobilize more missionaries, for more ministry workers to be trained, funded, sent, and sustained.
February 21st, 2024
- This month's spiritual practice is focused on confession. Ask God to help you confess and repent of sin in your life. Ask God to shed light on those areas in your life.
- This Saturday, we will be having our first men's breakfast. Pray for the men of our church as they gather together in fellowship, ask God to allow that time to be filled with vulnerability and honesty.
- Pray for specific people in your life who need to hear the gospel and ask God for courage to share it with them.
February 14th, 2024
- This coming Monday is President’s Day, pray for President Biden and for this year's presidential candidates. Pray for repentance and faith unto salvation, for grace to make wise decisions, for them to lead with justice and righteousness, and for God to have mercy on our nation.
- Pray for a sustained and deepening hunger for God as a church.
- This month will complete our third year at the building we meet in, and we’re so thankful for Gods grace in that time. Pray for One Heart Church, who has graciously opened their heart and property to us. Pray for God’s blessing on Pastor Gearl and their staff and church family, that the Lord would bear fruit through their ministry globally and locally. They have been a conduit for God’s kindness to us.
February 7th, 2024
- Our spiritual practice this month is confession. Pray for our church to spend focused time in confession and repentance this month.
- Pray for peace in the Middle East as tensions continue to escalate.
- Pray for Jesus' power to be displayed in our church and in our lives by the work of the Holy Spirit.
January 31st, 2024
- Last week we had a church-wide week of fasting and praying. Pray for God to give us fruit from that as a church, and pray that we would continue to lean on Him for guidance.
- Each night of the week we had a prayer night with a specific prayer focus. One of those nights was focused on our mission partners. Pray that God would give us continued guidance on how to best serve them as a church and as individuals.
- As a church, our focus this year is on worship and missions. Pray for God to stir up individuals in our church to be goers and senders for the task of global missions.
January 24th, 2024
- We're halfway through our church wide fast! Pray for all the members of Generations to encounter God in a powerful way this week; that we might see our need for God more clearly and lean on Him in all times.
- Pray for courage and obedience in response to what God calls us to do.
- Thank our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ for His provisions that we so often take for granted. Give thanks that we serve a good God, full of grace and mercy.
January 17th, 2024
- Pray for the church's leadership as they are away together seeking the Lord's wisdom and discernment for guiding Generations.
- Continue to pray for our coming week of fasting and prayer and that God would use this week to draw us all closer to Him!
- Pray for the Holy Spirit to give us all a fullness of knowledge of God through Christ Jesus!
January 10th, 2024
- As we head into our corporate fast, ask God to prepare our hearts. Pray for God to lead us deeper into a hunger for him and for Him to lead us in a direction, in our lives and in our church, that brings us closer to Him.
- Ask God to put a church in your area on your heart and pray for them. Pray they would be a church that knows the gospel, preaches truth, and loves the Lord.
- As children and teachers head back to school after Christmas break, pray they would stay healthy and energized for the rest of the school year.
January 3rd, 2024
- Pray for our students and teachers returning to school and for our families as the transition back to normal rhythms of life after the holidays.
- Pray that we may be truly centered around Jesus in 2024. That at the personal, family and congregational levels, we would be repentant for where Jesus is not our first priority, and willing to reorder our lives.
- Pray for a deep hunger for spiritual growth and for an enduring and abiding joy among us as a people.
December 27th, 2023
- Pray for this week to be a time of rest and encouragement for the Cody family as they visit with their family and our church family.
- Pray for the Lord to give you a vision for progressing as a disciple of Jesus in the coming year; to give you a hunger for him, and a willing pursuit of fellowship with him and obedience to him; that fleshly and worldly appetites might be starved out.
- Pray for the Holy Spirit to intensify a gospel zeal in your own heart, and among us as a church, As we give ourselves more fully to his mission in 2024.
December 19th, 2023
- Pray for those who have personal and family challenges during the holidays. Pray for them to seek the Lord and deepen their relationship with Him as He takes them through the challenges.
- Pray that Jesus Christ the Messiah is the center of all our thoughts and actions this coming week.
- Pray for all our students and teachers to be refreshed during their time off and to be filled with the Spirit when they return to school. Also pray for parents to have extra, mercy, grace and peace while the students are at home!
December 12th, 2023
- Pray for friends and family who don’t know Christ. Pray for opportunities to show them the love of Christ and the true meaning of Christmas.
- Ask God for strength and faith to resist the temptation to conform to the materialism of our world this holiday season.
- Ask God to instill in us a deeper and greater love for Jesus, our Savior and King. Jesus humbled himself to suffer and die that we might have life and fellowship with him.
December 6th, 2023
- Pray for our teachers and students as the end of the semester approaches, That they will have stamina to finish well, and to see evidence of God’s grace at work in their lives, and those around them.
- Pray for opportunities during this time of year for us to share the gospel with people in our lives, and that the Holy Spirit would give us boldness and responsiveness in those ministry opportunities.
- Pray for the Cody’s, our missionary partners in South Africa, as they visit supporters and family members and for their rest and renewal for the next month as they are home on furlough from South Africa.
November 28th, 2023
- Pray for our family and friends who do not know the saving grace and mercy of our LORD. Pray for the LORD to soften and regenerate their hearts and draw them to Himself.
- Pray for us to truly be thankful for and worshipful of our salvation and future glory through Jesus this Christmas season.
- Continue to pray for peace in the Middle East and wisdom for our leaders in Washington D.C and around the world in dealing with this tragedy.
November 22nd, 2023
- As we approach the new year, we want to pray that our elders' focus in 2024 would be on worship and missions. Pray they would be filled with wisdom from the Lord as they lead us in spiritual growth and outreach.
- During this Thanksgiving season, let's pray for our members, that they would be ambassadors of Christ amidst their gatherings. Pray for opportunities to share the message of reconciliation and demonstrate Christ's love through words and actions.
- As Christmas draws near, let's unite in prayer for our church community to remain steadfast in focusing on the true reason we celebrate Christmas: Christ. Pray for a collective spirit of reverence and devotion, enabling us to avoid distractions and center our hearts and minds on worshiping the Savior whose birth we celebrate.
November 15th, 2023
- As we approach the holidays, we want to pray for abundant evangelistic opportunities and occasions for warm hospitality. Pray that hearts are open to receive Christ and see Him as Lord and king.
- Pray for the Cody family, our mission parters in South Africa, as they are on furlough in the States for the next few weeks. Pray that this time would be a season of deep refreshment and encouragement for them, renewing their strength for the mission ahead.
- Pray that the families we are ministering to through the Angel Tree project tangibly experience the profound love and service that Jesus offers through His church.
November 8th, 2023
- Continue to pray to the God of Peace for peace in the Middle East.
- Pray for James as he prepares to walk us through Isaiah 6:1-13 this Sunday. That the Lord would use him in a powerful way to minister to us as he preaches through this text.
- Yesterday was election day. Pray for those whom God has chosen as His elected officials in Norcross and throughout our country this week.
November 1st, 2023
- Pray for the Faith & Blue event this weekend, that we would be a blessing to the local police officers, that we would develop a great rapport with them and that the Holy Spirit would minister to them through our engagement with them.
- Our spiritual practice for November is the practice of hospitality. Ask the Lord to put a specific person or family on your heart and in your path who He wants you to reach out to through the ministry of hospitality (you may want to listen to this weeks podcast for more on this).
- As we approach the home stretch of this calendar year, pray for God‘s provision for Generations financially, and His wisdom as we plan for the future.
October 25th, 2023
- Pray for the leaders of our church. Pray for the elders, community group leaders, cohort leaders, and any other leaders. Ask God to give them strength and energy to lead and love those in their care well.
- Ask God to show us ways to further his Kingdom. We are divinely tasked with making disciples and want to see people come to know and follow Jesus in our community. Ask for the Spirit to move in and through us in power and boldness as we obey him.
- Pray for those in your community groups and cohorts. Ask God to minister to them in specific ways based on their needs. If you aren’t sure of their needs ask God to help you build deeper relationships with them so you can care for them well.
October 18th, 2023
- Pray for wisdom, perseverance, provision and joy for the Hawkins family in this very busy season of their lives - school, toddler and a second child on the way.
- Pray for the Elders as they work through adding additional Elders and rolling out a Diaconate.
- Pray for Israel and peace in the Middle East.
- Pray for an end to the Ukraine - Russia war.
October 11th, 2023
- Pray for our brothers and sisters in Israel in the aftermath of the attack this past weekend.
- Ask God to reveal Himself to you in a personal way as we continue our through our sermon series: Who God is.
- Ask God to guide you by his Spirit in meditating on truth this week that you may withstand your flesh, the world, and the devil.
October 4th, 2023
- Pray for greater faith in God and in His promises as revealed in His word.
- Ask God for opportunities in your life and the courage to share the gospel.
- Pray for endurance in the midst of suffering and trials. That we would be a people who cling to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
September 27th, 2023
- Pray for the women's retreat coming up this Friday-Sunday. Pray for the Holy Spirit to knit the hearts of the women to each other, and to minister to them in ways that bring encouragement and renewal.
- Faith & Blue is an event we are hosting with the Norcross city police department. Pray that we would honor them, build rapport with them, and establish connective tissue that might help us partner in serving our community more effectively.
- Pray for the broader landscape of churches in our surrounding area; that they will be faithful to Jesus, to His word, to His mission; and that we would be one with one another.
September 20th, 2023
- Pray for the 40 Days for Life kickoff event this Thursday night. Our church has worked alongside Margarita, a leader for the organization, to host this kickoff dinner. The dinner will include testimonies, speakers, music, and prayer. Pray for the hearts of the attendees, volunteers and speakers. And pray that the upcoming prayer vigils will be heavily attended and we would trust the Lord to work through us for this cause.
- Upper 90, a local ministry run by our own Tyler Hoitsma, is in need of a soccer field for the season. Their first set of games started last Saturday, September 16th, and they were able to secure a temporary field for those games. But they are still looking for a field, central to the families that are a part of the program and one that is financially feasible. Pray for God to provide for Upper 90, so they can serve our local communities.
- The annual women's retreat is coming up September 29th- October 1st. We pray that our women would be refreshed and encouraged through the teaching and time in fellowship.
September 12th, 2023
- Ask God for discernment to help us recognize things in our lives that are leading us away from God rather than towards him. Ask for the courage needed to combat those influences.
- This past Sunday, the sermon was on Matthew 7:15-20 where Jesus takes about false prophets. Pray for protection against wolves in sheep’s clothing gaining influence in our church and the churches in our area.
- Ask God to show us ways we can be more generous with our time and resources in order to advance his kingdom on earth.
September 6th, 2023
- Pray the Holy Spirit would deeply engrain all of the spiritual practices we are implementing into our daily routines this coming year. This month's spiritual practice is prayer, and we want to ask God to allow us to see prayer the way He intended it to be seen. That we would humble ourselves before Him, pray without ceasing, and rejoice in His goodness (1 Thessalonians 5:16–18).
- We ask for prayer regarding the men's Bible study. They will be starting up tonight and as they study the book of Luke, pray God's Word will help them become the Godly men they have been called to be. Pray for the men to have a deeper passion for the Word and love for our Savior, Jesus Christ.
- As community groups kickoff this week, we want to pray for them to be a place of deep fellowship and discipleship.
- Pray for the Thompsons. Carol Thompson has been recovering from a broken leg, and her daughter Shelley has been caring for her. Shelley will be out of town for a few days and this will be an adjustment to Carol and her husband Paul. Pray that this would be a smooth week for the two of them as they navigate Carol's rehabilitation, that Shelley would be safe in her travels, and that we as a church can come alongside them and help carry any burden they may have this week.
August 30th, 2023
- In light of this last Sunday’s message, please pray for the Holy Spirit to give us as a church an evangelistic humility, and boldness this coming year.
- Pray for God to reveal to you personally, as well as to us as a community, any aspects in our lives and our witness that might be creating barriers to effectively sharing the message of Jesus in the world.
- Consider areas of lostness and brokenness in our culture right now, which you might usually ignore, suppress or just not know about. Instead, pray for those areas of lostness and brokenness, and for specific people you know caught up in darkness. Pray that God might do a mighty work in our time and that He would cause many to turn to Him in repentance and faith.
- Pray that we, as a church are faithful and fruitful for Jesus in our community.
August 23rd, 2023
- Upper90, our local soccer ministry, is starting back up and we want to pray over this season, the coaches and the players. Pray that the Lord would speak to the kids through the gospel messages they hear and their experience this soccer season.
- Pray over our community groups as they launch in the next few weeks. Pray over the leaders, that God would guide them and their groups: that there would be deep, meaningful, and gospel-rooted connection.
- This past Sunday we announced our new members. Be praying for Matt & Patty Bolian, Gayle Dingler, Reilly McCullough, Kyong & Kaylee Natali, and Michael & Lisa Wiersema.
August 16th, 2023
- Pray for unity and a shared vision among the members of our church as we further God’s kingdom and purpose.
- Ask God to deepen your personal connection with Him, and reveal areas in your life that He desires for you to grow in.
- Pray for opportunities to be generous with your time, attention, and resources, reflecting God's grace and love through your actions.
August 8th, 2023
- Pray for God to protect and flourish the marriages at Generations.
- Continue to pray for protection, wisdom, discernment and boldness for all of our teachers in the local school systems.
- Pray for wisdom for the elders and unity of the body as we begin implementing deacon roles at Generations this fall.
August 1st, 2023
- For the past few weeks we've gone through a sermon series about deacons: their presence in the Bible, and their role in the church. Pray for our church as we look to raise up deacons. Let us unite in prayer, seeking God's will, and asking Him to provide us with individuals who have a heart for service, a deep love for Christ, and a desire to serve His people with humility and grace.
- Pray for the devotional life of our members. That we would be a church full of people who seek diligently after the LORD, care for His word, and pray often for Him to draw us close.
- Pray for the Florez family and their church in Santa Marta, Colombia. Pastor Edison and his family (Meredid, Sofía, & Evans) are specifically seeking prayer for their women's retreat this weekend and for the ability to finish the build out they are doing on the third floor of their building which will give them additional meeting space. If you want more updates about their church and the work God is doing in Colombia, visit our missions page!
July 26th, 2023
- Pray for the teachers and kids gearing up to head back to school. Ask God to surround them with protection and grant them the courage to live their lives for Him.
- As we begin our new ministry year, pray that the LORD would provide Generations with more godly leaders to serve the needs of our church family. That He would equip them with the confidence to serve and the humility to continually seek Him in a leadership role.
- God calls us to come alongside our brothers and sisters in Christ and pray for them in all perseverance and supplication (Ephesians 6:18). Pray comfort over those at Generations who you know may be hurting physically, emotionally, or spiritually.
July 19th, 2023
- Pray for kids and teachers as summer wraps up and they prepare to go back to school
- Pray for our community group and cohort leaders. As the new ministry year ramps up, pray that our leaders will lean on the Lord and find joy in this season of leading and serving.
- Pray for the Codys, our devoted missionary partners in South Africa. Michael and Maegan Cody work for Campus Outreach in Gauteng. They have 3 kids, Callan Booth, Noah Robinson, & Aldyn Ara. Pray for their family as they live out their faith and continue to assimilate to a different culture and language.
For more focused prayer needs and an update on their lives, read their latest email:
- Pray for our brother, Tyler Hoitsma, who is currently in Honduras with his Upper90 ministry. Every year he travels to Honduras, teaching the word of God, showing the LORD's compassion, and coaching the great sport of soccer. Pray for his safety in Honduras and on his travels.
- Pray for our brothers and sisters who left for a missions trip to Peru on Monday. They will be building houses and preaching the gospel! Pray they will led by the Holy Spirit, encouraged to be bold for the gospel, and for safety as they travel to and from Peru.

July 12th, 2023
- Pray for God to give you faith in his goodness in the midst of uncertainty or hardship.
- Pray for the lost in your life who God has called us to share the good news of the gospel with.
- Ask God to help us avoid slothfulness and stay persistent in spiritual disciplines.
July 5th, 2023
- Pray for the Spirit to help us walk in obedience and holiness.
- Pray for the Spirit to lead us to our knees in confession and repentance when we sin.
- Thank the Father for his daily provision of his mercy and grace.
Hebrews 4:14-16:
Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
June 28th, 2023
- Pray for Carol Thompson. Our dear sister broke her leg this week and after surgery will spend roughly 3-5 weeks in a rehabilitation center. Pray for her healing process and that she finds comfort and strength in the Lord in this time of healing and recovery. Pray that as her brothers and sisters in Christ, we can come alongside her in comfort and encouragement.
- Praise the Lord! We are making headway on our A/C unit this week. As we go through the process of taking out the old units and putting in the new units, pray that everything goes smoothly and our children and volunteers will be able to feel the sweet sweet victory of a proper central air unit this Sunday.
- Pray for leaders in our children's ministry and for community groups. We ask for wisdom and discernment as we seek individuals who can guide and nurture the younger ones in their faith, and who can lead our community groups with joy and steadfastness in the Lord.
June 21st, 2023
- Pray for our children and our Next Gen ministry. Pray that our children would love the Lord and serve Him and pray that the Lord would provide us with volunteers in Next Gen with a heart for King Jesus and a heart for our children.
- Pray for our mission partners in Burkina Faso, Felix & Priscilla Kambou and pray for Aaron & Kristi Wheaton who are not in Burkina Faso, but are committed to the ministry work Christ has done and is doing there.
- Pray for our national, state, and local government officials. Pray they would work and speak in wisdom, for provision over them, and for a desire to trust in the Lord who is sovereign over all things.
June 14th, 2023
- Pray for more volunteers who can love and care for our children in Next Gen.
- Pray for wisdom for our elders: James, Paul, Zac, and Caleb as they seek to care well for our ever growing church.
- Pray for opportunities and boldness to share the gospel with others in our communities, homes and work spaces.
- Continue praying for a quick and financially feasible solution to our 2nd floor AC issues.
June 7th, 2023
- Pray for Dish Gangulee as she and the other Young Life leaders seek to deepen relationships and share the gospel with students at camp this week.
- Pray for children and families to have a safe and Spirit-filled summer break.
- Pray for unity and peace in our country as social and political issues continue to divide.
- Pray for a quick and financially feasible solution to our 2nd floor AC issues.
May 31st, 2023
- Pray for the Holy Spirit to provide plenty of leaders for our disciple making environments for this coming ministry year (i.e community groups, cohorts, Next Gen).
- As our normal ministry rhythms, wind down for the summer, pray for our hearts, minds and lives to be assimilated to the Kingdom of God and toward evangelistic practices.
- Pray for ministry partners and ministry workers, such as Dish Gangulee, Tyler Hoitsma, and Miriam and Nathaniel Hilliard who have great opportunities to minister to kids and youth through camps over the summer.
May 25th, 2023
- Pray for all the graduates who have recently and are about to graduate. There can be a bittersweetness in it all and we pray for confidence as they step into this next stage of life.
- Pray for parents as they lead their children through the end of the school year. That they would have joy in this season, and lean on the Lord for His provision over their lives and their children's lives.
- Pray for this transition into Summer for kids and for parents. That the students going into Summer break would feel rested and that this time would be fruitful and refreshing for them.
May 17th, 2023
- This past Sunday we prayed over the sending out of Locker and Payton and their sweet kids (Sophie and Liam). They have been a huge blessing to this church, and we want to continue to pray for them as they prepare to move to Alabama and step into this new season of life.
- The end of the school year is coming upon us and it can be a hectic time for many families and teachers. Pray for them, that there would be joy and endurance as the year comes to a close.
- Huge praise for all the Bible studies that have recently wrapped up. We are so thankful for Betsy, Martina, Karen, and Zac for devoting their time in leading and we pray for fruit to come from those studies.
May 10th, 2023
- Pray for the churches in Burkina Faso, for Pastor Felix and Priscille, and the Wheatons. If you would like to donate to their mission, you can do so here.
- We are blessed to know so many wonderful teachers and nurses! This week is teachers' and nurses' appreciation week and we'd love to pray for endurance, peace and wisdom over them. Pray for teachers as they are finishing out the 2022-23 school year, and for nurses who continually put in long hours to take care of our loved ones.
- Mother's Day is May 14th, and we are so thankful for all our wonderful mothers! Pray for all our moms, for the blessing that they are, and for people who may struggle during this time of the year.
May 2nd, 2023
- Pray for the family in Chamblee that had their house burn down and there were deaths of family members. These were friends of Ray and Jill Wtulich. For more information and to donate to their family, please visit their GoFundMe page.
- Pray for our Burkina Faso missions partners (the Wheatons and the Kambous) as they visit us here in Georgia. For a fruitful time and time of refreshing and encouragement.
- Fruit produced as a result of the men's retreat, that God would continue to move in the men.
- A quick resolution to some AC issues in our children's ministry area upstairs.
April 26th, 2023
- Pray for the Men's Retreat this coming weekend 4/28-4/30. For the leaders sharing and the fellowship of the men
- Pray for the men of the church to be spiritual leaders as husbands and fathers
- For the men of the church to have a hunger and desire to seek and follow the Lord
April 18th, 2023
- May we continue to have a spirit and discipline of prayer as we close out the ministry year
- Pray for Dish Gangulee's pickleball Young Life fundraiser this Saturday, 4/22
- Pray for members of our church family that have doctors appointments with conclusive tests this week
- Pray for our new members class on 4/30 and for continued health as the church grows
- Pray for the men's retreat on 4/28-4/30
April 13th, 2023
- Prayer for the health of church members
- Let us keep the spirit of Easter and celebration of our Savior, Jesus Christ
- Pray for our global mission partners in Colombia, South Africa, and Burkina Faso. To see the latest updates, check out our Church Partners and Missionary Partners pages.
March 15th, 2023
- Prayer for the elder and staff retreat coming up March 22nd-25th: vision, mission, unity, and fellowship
- Pray for the 40 Days for Life prayer vigil that continues until April 2nd
- Local ministry partners
- Dish Gangulee and Young Life
- Tyler Hoitsma and UPPER90
March 1st, 2023
- Pray for 40 Days for Life. It is a peaceful prayer vigil outside abortion clinics. Take part by signing up for a time slot here.
- Lisa Barker's second round of chemo this Friday
- Paul Thompson leaves today on a follow- up missionary trip to the Dominican Republic for 10 days. Pray for courage & wisdom to encourage leaders and strengthen their faith and ministry.
- Pray for Pastor Juan Hernandez of Rescue Mission Church in Colombia as he and his family travel to visit us this weekend. Pray that the Lord would speak powerfully through Juan as he preaches to our church family this Sunday.
January 26th, 2023
- Praise for an incredible week of corporate prayer and fasting
- Pray that we would stay committed to prayer and meditation on God's Word even as we end the week of prayer and fasting
- Pray for our missionaries and local ministry partners (can be found in the prayer section of the app). We recently got an update from Kristi Wheaton that Felix Kambou's (a pastor we partner with in Burkina Faso, West Africa) brother passed away unexpectedly not long ago. He leaves behind a 6 year old daughter that Felix and his wife Priscille are now taking care of. Please lift this family up in your prayers.
January 13th, 2023
- Ask the Lord to prepare all of our hearts as we enter into the week of fasting and prayer on Sunday. Pray for God to use this week to renew us personally and corporately, and to align our hearts with his purposes in our community and the world.
- Pray for the community groups and cohorts starting back up for this semester, for new groups forming and the new members entering existing groups.
January 4th, 2023
- On Paul and Scottie's Cuba trip in November, they spent several days with Jorge Hernandez, a pastor that Paul has known for quite a while. Jorge's church does a lot to serve the poor and marginalized in their community, but they would like to pursue further theological and practical training in the area of biblical justice. To do so, Jorge and his family will be going through an intensive 11-month training in Switzerland starting later this month. Please pray for him and his family during this time, and consider supporting them financially by giving to Door of Hope Church and writing "Cuba Mission" in the memo line. You can learn more about the financial need here, and read a personal letter from Jorge here.
- Pray that the Lord would prepare our hearts and the hearts of those preaching as we enter a new sermon series through the Gospel of Matthew. We'll be digging into many topics over a significant span of time, but the overall focus will be on understanding more of what it means to be part of the Kingdom of God.
- Pray for Johannesburg students as they return from leadership training, that they will hold firm in their faith as the return to campus and their families. Pray for Michael and Maegan Cody as they seek to continue discipling these students.
December 7th, 2022
- Amanda Rawson - prayer for her outpatient procedure on Thursday. Continual prayer for Sandra Schlosser as she recovers from having Thyroid removed. Also, Tommy Blackwell’s surgery just got moved up to Monday at 12:30. It is a painful recovery and he will be in the hospital 3 or 4 days.
- Praise that James, Jasmine & Lyla are all recovered from their illnesses.
- Prayer for Tyler Hoitsma as he heads to Honduras with UPPER90 from December 9-16. Prayer for Jim and Martina McCallie as they head to Vienna for a month to visit family.
November 30th, 2022
- Pray for James as he has been fighting the flu and sickness that is going around with some members of the church
- Pray for the Ladies Christmas Brunch on Saturday
- Campus Outreach South Africa has their leadership training for student volunteers (the Khula Project) in early December. Pray that students will be successful in fundraising so they can attend, and pray for Michael Cody as he will be teaching some classes.
November 17th, 2022
- Prayer for wisdom and guidance from God's Spirit as we put together the 2023 budget
- Gratitude and thanksgiving for our many blessings
- Pray for families as they gather for Thanksgiving next week. We know that it can be a joyous gathering for many but also a difficult time for others.
- Campus Outreach SA is doing their first leadership training of student volunteers in early December. It will be a week long event and is their first training since COVID (2019). Pray for fundraising by the students to go well and for the week to help equip the students for ministry. Also pray for Michael as he will be teaching some. To make a donation so students can participate, click here and put "Khula Project" in the tribute line. To read the most recent updates from the Cody family, check out our Missionary Partners page.
November 2nd, 2022
- Prayer for Paul Thompson as he is in Cuba and Scottie as he heads down next week
- Pray for the elections next week
- Pray for the leadership at Generations as we consider how we can best use the facility that God has blessed us with to serve the church and Norcross community
- Continue to pray for the Neals and baby Lex
October 25th, 2022
"Please pray for Cuba, the situation is dire, people are starving, no milk, no bread, scarcity of rice and beans, to say little of meat, an energy crisis, blackouts for 8 to 12 hours daily. There is a desperateness, a loss of hope, people are at each other, a whole group of pastors have left their churches, fleeing to the U.S, divorce is rampant. Pray as Scottie and I enter this situation that we will have courage to speak the truth in love, a whole lot of wisdom to discern the issues, and a heart-felt love that will encourage in the name of Jesus."
- Pray for Jackie and the 40 Days for Life campaign as they pray for abortion clinics, the women, the doctors, the fathers, and all those involved.
- For Bert and Heidi Neal and new baby Lex
- For the upcoming elections, that people will get out and vote. Also for unity among the nation no matter the results.
- Special prayer request from Paul Thompson as he goes down to Cuba this week:
"Please pray for Cuba, the situation is dire, people are starving, no milk, no bread, scarcity of rice and beans, to say little of meat, an energy crisis, blackouts for 8 to 12 hours daily. There is a desperateness, a loss of hope, people are at each other, a whole group of pastors have left their churches, fleeing to the U.S, divorce is rampant. Pray as Scottie and I enter this situation that we will have courage to speak the truth in love, a whole lot of wisdom to discern the issues, and a heart-felt love that will encourage in the name of Jesus."
October 18th, 2022
- Pray for the Cody family. After hearing an update from Paul and Karen, we can be praying for community and continued adjustment to life in South Africa. Also pray for a new van as the one they have has very high mileage and it is time for something new. If you'd like to make a contribution toward this need, you can donate here.
- Pray for the midterm elections, that people will vote and for there to be peace and unity post the elections
- Continue to pray for Maria and Tommy Blackwell. For Tommy's health as he continues to have issues and the hospital diagnoses it.
October 13th, 2022
- Pray for Paul and Karen Wilson as they travel back from South Africa today
- Pray for Maria and Tommy Blackwell. Tommy has been in and out of the hospital with health issues. They are scheduling a CT scan and live biopsy to check out his left lung
- Pray for Pastor Felix Kambou and the rest of our brothers and sisters in Burkina Faso. Last week, the government was overthrown for a second time this year due to continuing fears over Islamic terrorism. You can read more about the situation here.
- Pray for Jackie and the 40 days of life as they pray for abortion clinics, the women, the doctors, the fathers, and all those involved. If you'd like to join the prayer vigil, you can sign up for a slot here.
September 27th, 2022
- Pray for Florida (and all the countries and states) as hurricane Ian comes and hits it. For all those that are going to be affected by it
- Praise for a successful women's retreat this past weekend
- Pray that God would touch the hearts of all those that he wills through Caleb's clear gospel message this past Sunday, that they would act upon it and not just let it pass by.
September 22nd, 2022
- Pray for the women’s retreat this weekend
- Pray for Aldyn Cody (Michael and Maegan Cody's daughter) as she is having trouble with stable blood levels due to her diabetes which she was diagnosed with the beginning of this year
- Pray for Natalie and Caleb Hawkins as they welcomed their new son Kuyper into the world this week, as well as moving into a new house.
September 7th, 2022
- Pray for Paul and Karen Wilson as they travel to South Africa and visit their family but also mission partners Michael and Maegan Cody with Campus Outreach. Check out the Missionary Partners page to read the most recent update and prayer requests from the Codys.
- Pray for protection of the church and church family; that the enemy would not interrupt what the Lord is doing in Generations. May we be founded on Christ and run to him in the temptations of sin.
- Pray for the cohorts, community groups, and Bible studies as most of them start up this week.
September 2nd, 2022
- Pray for the marriages in our church. That God would protect them. That spouses would look to Christ as their foundations
- Continue to pray for all our teachers. There are many in our church and they need God's strength and wisdom daily
- Pray for the new sermon series that we will be starting. For James and his preparation as well as anyone else that will be preaching
August 24th, 2022
- Pray for the Colombia Mission trip August 25-31.
- Continue to pray for discipleship at Generations as we start all the cohorts, community groups and Bible studies this fall.
- Remember to pray for our Colombia church and missionary partners. For Edison Florez, Juan Hernandez, Eduardo Fergusson, their churches and their families. Also for Joel and Angel Ballew and their mission there.
August 17th, 2022
- For everyone in our church family to pray about their involvement with discipleship for the fall - cohorts, community groups, Bible studies - where would God lead them.
- Pray for the Colombia mission trip Aug 25-31.
- Pray for God to be first in our lives as we all enter a busy fall season.
July 27th, 2022
- Pray for teachers and students as they return to class next week.
- Pray for the team going on the upcoming Colombia trip at the end of August (Lina Lopez, Kevin Maner, Sam Hammett, and Scottie Finlayson).
- Pray for our leadership teams as they plan for the new ministry year starting next week.
July 12th, 2022
- Continue to pray for Tyler Hoitsma and his mission team who are serving with UPPER90 in San Pedro Sula, Honduras.
- Continue to pray for Zac and Jasmine as they adjust to life with their newborn daughter, Lyla. You can sign up for their meal train here.
- Pray for the Spirit to guide and lead us all as we prepare for the new ministry year beginning in August.
- Please pray for a very sad situation that our brother Danny Chacón informed us about. Apparently the young son of a single mother who rents a room from Danny's family in Ecuador was being sexually abused by a distant relative when the mother had to work. The boy's name is Emiliano. Please pray for the Lord to bring healing to the situation that only he can, as well as repentance to the man who committed this wickedness against Emiliano.
July 6th, 2022
- Pray for Tyler Hoitsma as he heads back to San Pedro Sula, Honduras with UPPER90. This time for 2 weeks.
- Pray for Zac and Jasmine, who welcomed baby Lyla into the world this week! You can sign up for their meal train here.
- Continue to pray for Matt and Stacey Anderson who are moving to Milledgeville to serve with Young Life, as well as Colin Roozbehi who is moving to Columbus for med school.
June 28th, 2022
- Please pray that the air conditioning in the church would be resolved so that we can continue on with the kids ministry. We're grateful that it came back on this past Sunday, but we still need to find a long term fix.
- Pray for the Cody family (who are serving with Campus Outreach in South Africa) as they take some vacation time. For rest and family fun.
- For Matt and Stacey Anderson as they are preparing their move to Milledgeville as God has called them to Young Life there. Stacey is also recovering from a surgery that went well, so praise God for that!
June 23rd, 2022
- Pray for a quick and low cost fix to our AC issue in lobby and 2nd Floor of the church building
- For the end of school year activities to go well in Johannesburg for the Cody family and the visiting American interns.
- A new president named Gustavo Petro has been elected in Colombia (where we have several church partners). While some are in support of his healthcare and environmental reforms, others fear that his policies will put Colombia on a track towards the type of dysfunction seen in Venezuela. Please pray that the Lord would help President Petro govern in wisdom and righteousness, and that the country as a whole would turn to the Lord in faith and repentance.
June 8th, 2022
- Pray for our brother Tyler Hoitsma as he travels to Honduras June 10-17 with UPPER90, the ministry he works for and that our church partners with.
- Pray for our church members with the busy summer schedules and keeping their focus on God in this time
- Pray for that God would provide for the finances of the church and that members would continue to give throughout the summer
- For our sister Jasmine Gilcrease as she gets closer to delivery and that we can fulfill the final children's ministry volunteer slots before then. If you'd like to sign up, you can do so here.
May 25th, 2022
- Be praying for those affected by the shooting in Texas and specifically the families of the kids that were killed. Pray for God's hand to be seen in the unexplainable.
- Pray for Matt Anderson as he is on Young Life assignment for the next month
- Pray for the church and volunteers for the fall
- Continue to pray for the Codys in South Africa as the summer team comes
- Pray for our Colombia missions partners and for those from our church that are preparing to visit them in August
May 17th, 2022
- Pray that the Lord would provide all of the volunteers needed to run our NextGen children's ministry this coming year. If you'd like to sign up to serve, you can do so here.
- Prayer for the eldership team and their wives as we prepare for the coming new ministry year at the elders/staff retreat this weekend.
- Walter Montano's asylum case was closed last week and he didn't have to go to court. This is actually a blessing, because the asylum process is more difficult than the marriage process. So praise God for that, and let's pray that through his marriage hearing he would be permitted to stay in the U.S.!
- Prayer for children & families as the school year ends and summer vacation begins.
May 10th, 2022
- Pray for Samantha and Walter as Walter has his hearing on Friday about his asylum case. Pray that the judge would see the character of Walter and would approve of his stay in this country
- Pray for the country and Supreme Court as they make a final decision on Roe v. Wade
- Pray for the Codys as they have college students coming to serve in the summer. Cohesiveness and faithfulness of ministry.
- Pray for Generations and raising up of volunteers in Next Gen and Hospitality team
May 4th, 2022
- Unity for our country as the decision concerning Rowe v. Wade plays out
- Continued prayers for peace in Ukraine
- For godly men and women to be elected in our next General Elections and Primaries
- For us to bring glory to God this Sunday through our baptisms and baby dedications
- And for all the mothers and mothers to be!
April 26th, 2022
- Pray for Maria and Tommy Blackwell as Tommy's hip replacement was rescheduled for this Thursday, April 28th
- Continue to pray for our brother and sister Matt and Stacey Anderson as we share in the tough time they are going through right now after the loss of Stacey's brother
- For Caleb Hawkins and Zac Gilcrease along with their wives Natalie and Jasmine as this coming Sunday they will be commissioned as church elders
April 21st, 2022
- Pray for the men as they go on their retreat this weekend. That God would be glorified and the men transformed.
- Pray for Caleb as he preaches this Sunday and kicks off a new sermon series going through the book of Titus.
- For continued peace in Ukraine
April 13th, 2022
- For Good Friday and Easter service hosted by Generations. May we believers be sanctified and more in awe of Jesus this season resulting in worship. For those that do not know Him, come to a saving relationship with Jesus this year.
- The Chacons are recovering from COVID as the whole family got hit with it. Pray for full health and strength and a quick recovery.
- Pray for Matt and Stacey Anderson. Stacey's brother passed away last week. They are mourning the loss of a family member. Pray for understanding and peace from God.
April 8th, 2022
- For us all to be in the Word and in prayer as we prepare our hearts for the celebration of Easter. That we will truly look at the cross and the magnitude of the sacrifice there before we walk into the Easter season.
- For our missionaries as they prepare to celebrate Easter far from family. Especially for the Codys, who will be doing their first Easter on the mission field.
- Prayers for Maria Blackwell’s husband, Tommy, as he undergoes surgery for a full hip replacement Tuesday, April 12th. Prayers for a great outcome for the surgery, strength for his therapy immediately following, and easing of his chronic pain. Prayers also for wisdom and strength for Maria.
March 30th, 2022
- Pray for the Spirit's leading as we take steps towards finding a better way of serving the youth in our church. Our desire is to arrive at a model of doing this that is biblically faithful and will produce lasting fruit, rooting our young men and women deeply in the love of Christ. Let's ask God to raise up mature believers who will love and invest deeply in the teenagers at our church, teaching them through word and deed what it looks like to follow Christ.
- The Caros are moving to Spartanburg, South Carolina for David's new job. They have been such a tremendous blessing to our church family for the past several years, so let's thank God for them and pray for the Spirit's leading as they seek out a new church and settle into a new city.
- Zac Gilcrease and Caleb Hawkins have reached the end of the elder candidate process, and barring something significant happening in the next few weeks, we'll be officially instituting them as shepherds over the flock at Generations, alongside James Rowell and Paul Wilson. Pray that the Lord would prepare these men and their wives, Jasmine and Natalie, for the weighty task that they're being called to and use them powerfully in the life of our church.
- The Loews (Rob, Robyn, Abigail, Eden, Petra, and Mavic) are selling their home and will be heading out on the road in an RV in the near future. Their plan is to explore the country for a year or two and then decide where to go from there. Their family has been around since the beginning of our church, and they will be deeply missed. Let's pray for the Lord to guide them in their new adventure and comfort them as they grieve the loss of regular fellowship with our church family (though we will of course welcome them with open arms any time they come to visit!).
March 23rd, 2022
- James is currently at an Acts 29 pastors gathering for a couple days where pastors of churches in similar stages of development fellowship together and learn from one another. Let's pray that this would be a refreshing and life-giving time for James, that the Lord would use him to encourage others, and that he would gain wisdom from these brothers that would help him and the other elders shepherd the flock at Generations.
- With midterm elections coming up this year, let's pray for those who are currently governing our country and our local community, as well as those who will be put into office. Ask God to raise up godly men and women who will uphold justice, stand for truth, and work diligently and wisely on behalf of all those who they represent.
- The sermon series in Song of Songs has been deeply encouraging to many of us, but it can also be a difficult reminder of the brokenness in our own relationships or the unfulfilled longings that cause our hearts to ache. Let's pray that the Lord would minister to all those in our church who are struggling with the current series, whether married or single--that he might give them the strength to press through the pain in order to receive the healing and joy and growth that Jesus wants to give us through his Word.
March 9th, 2022
- Continue to pray for all those who are suffering in Ukraine, especially our brothers and sisters in Christ. Pray for wisdom for our elders as we figure out how to best support the pastors and retirement home there that One Heart Church has connections with.
- The mother of one of Matt Anderson's Young Life students (student's name is Jordan) was recently diagnosed with a terminal stage four staff infection. She's been to five infections disease doctors who have told her there's nothing they can do, and she's going to a sixth doctor today. Please pray for the Lord to bring a miracle of healing, and pray for all those involved, including Matt and the Young Life staff.
- This Sunday will be David, Danielle, and Titus Caro's last Sunday before they move to Spartanburg, South Carolina for David's new job. The Caros have been such a tremendous blessing to our church family for the past several years, so let's thank God for them and pray for the Spirit's leading as they seek out a new church and settle into a new city.
- Please pray for Maria Blackwell's husband, Tommy. This Friday he'll have an appointment where they'll decide whether or not he needs to get hip replacement surgery.
February 22nd, 2022
- Pray for peace in Ukraine. Tensions are high, and different countries including the U.S. have begun to employ sanctions against Russia. The situation is concerning, but we serve the sovereign God who moves the hearts of kings (Proverbs 21:1) and holds all of history in his hands. Let's pray that all world leaders involved in the conflict would act wisely, righteously, and in the best interest of all people.
- Continue to pray for our women's and men's Bible studies as they go through Isaiah, the Sermon on the Mount, Exodus, and Psalm 119. Ask the Lord to give us a deeper understanding of his Word that would bear the fruit of wholehearted obedience in our lives rather than just head knowledge.
- UPPER90 is kicking off their spring season! Let's pray that the Lord would provide the coaches/volunteers needed, and that players and their families would come to know Christ or deepen their relationship with him through their participation in the league. If you're interested in serving with UPPER90, please contact Tyler Hoitsma.
February 9th, 2022
- Last weekend Young Life Suwanee/Buford took 25 middle school students and 4 leaders to camp at Carolina Point. Matt was unfortunately unable to go due to sickness, but the leaders said it was an amazing trip filled with laughter, conversations about Jesus, and a whole lot of fun. Let's pray that as these students return from camp, they would be rooted and established in Christ's love in a way that lasts much longer than just a few days or weeks. Pray also for Matt, who has been offered a job by Young Life as an area director. He won't find out the location until late March/early April, but he and Stacey are asking the Lord for discernment regarding their next steps.
- Along the lines of this past Sunday's sermon, let's lift up the singles and widowers of our church. Ask the Lord to dispel every feeling of shame, unworthiness, and fear, helping them to take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ. Pray that they would feel deeply valued by our church family and be energized to embrace where the Lord has them, wholeheartedly giving themselves to the glorious kingdom work that God has called them to. If you've been blessed by a brother or sister at Generations who is single or widowed, consider reaching out and expressing your gratitude that God has brought them into the body of Christ at Generations.
February 3rd, 2022
- This past weekend, our brother Matt Anderson went to Young Life camp with 58 high school students and leaders! Let's pray that the seeds that have been planted would mature into lasting spiritual fruit. Pray that the gospel of Jesus Christ would transform the lives of these students, and that they would continue in meaningful friendship and discipleship with their Young Life leaders. There will be another camp this upcoming weekend for 34 middle schoolers and leaders, so let's ask God to prepare the way and work powerfully in the hearts of these students as well.
- This week and next week our men's and women's Bible studies are kicking off! Please pray for the leaders of these studies (Martina, Betsy, Karen, Paul, Scottie, Carlos) and for all who will attend, that God would awaken a hunger for his Word in our hearts, that we might grow to know, love, and obey him at a deeper level.
- Continue to pray for the marriages in our church. The past couple sermons have described marriage in a perfect world, marriage in a fallen world, and marriage that points to another world. At this point, it's probably easiest to relate to the second of those three, which can be very discouraging. Pray that the Lord would continue to convict us of the brokenness in our marriages, but that he would also fill us with hope, knowing that the burden of healing our relationships doesn't ultimately rest on our shoulders. Let's give thanks and praise that the same power that raised Christ from the dead dwells within us and will give us life as we come continually to God in empty-handed repentance and faith (Romans 8:11).
January 25th, 2022
- Coming out of last week's fast, you may be spiritually reenergized or disappointed that you didn't have a more powerful experience with it. There may be things that the Lord has put on your heart, sin he's convicted you of, or clarity given regarding steps of faith-fueled obedience that he's calling you to. No matter what your experience was, let's pray that God would bring about enduring spiritual fruit in our lives that will remain long after the fast. Ask him to help us continue in a posture of hungering and thirsting after him. Let's refuse to thoughtlessly return to all our normal rhythms of life, "straining forward to what lies ahead, [pressing] on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 3:13-14)
- The people of Burkina Faso have had a tumultuous few months amidst growing dissatisfaction with the government's response to ongoing violence committed by Islamic extremists. Just yesterday, the president was ousted in a military coup (to learn more, read this article). Our brother Pastor Felix has informed us that the church is doing well, but he has asked us to pray for a return to constitutional order and the end of jihadism. Additionally, he let us know that they are currently in the hospital with a baby from the orphanage who is sick. He'll be there for a few days, and Felix has asked us to pray for his life.
- As we begin the new sermon series on Song of Songs and what the Bible says about love and marriage, let's pray hard against every attack of the enemy. The last thing he wants is for reconciliation and healing leading to beautiful, Christ-exalting marriages. As James mentioned, let's pray that God would help us to be careful how we hear, allowing the Word to convict us of our own sin rather than using it as a weapon against those who have hurt us. Pray for the light of the gospel to shine into the darkest parts of our souls and our family life, so that God's glorious design for marriage might produce a grace-filled and redeemed community exploding with the relational beauty that is only possible in Christ.
January 13th, 2022
- From our brother Ron Swann: "Hello my brothers and sisters in Christ. Jackie and I would like to request your prayers for her father, Jack Gullatte. Mr. Gullatte was hospitalized this past Friday with several serious health issues. He has been stabilized and moved from intensive care but his doctor's say recovery is unlikely and have recommended the family consider Hospice care. We are hoping that he can spend his twilight on his beautiful farm just outside of Auburn, Alabama. Mr. Gullatte is just three months shy of 90 and has live a faithful, joy filled life and is loved dearly by his wife, children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, in-laws, friends and neighbors. He looks forward to the eternal home that his Savior has prepared for him."
- This upcoming Sunday will kick off a new sermon series through the poetic Old Testament book called Song of Songs. The series will touch on topics like marriage, singleness, and love, which are all things whose God-given designs have been deeply distorted in our culture. Let's pray that the Lord would prepare our hearts and minds for what he has for us in Song of Songs, peeling back the lies we have believed about these topics and replacing them with the life-giving truth of the Word of God.
- This Sunday will also be the first day of our week-long corporate fast. This will likely look pretty different for different people, but we're asking everyone to incorporate some type of food component as well as a media component. Let's pray that the Lord would use this week to give us clarity on the ways he desires to lead us into greater love and obedience in 2022. Pray that as we experience physical hunger, he would produce in our church family a greater hunger for God that would lead us again and again to the only One who can satisfy our souls. Pray for this fast to set the tone for an entire year where God's Spirit within us produces the abundant fruit in our lives that brings glory to his Name!
January 5th, 2022
- The Ballew family (our missionary partners in Barranquilla, Colombia) are in the States for a couple weeks visiting family and connecting with supporters. Let's pray that their time here in the U.S. would be refreshing, restful, and encouraging, so that they would be re-energized for fruitful ministry upon returning to Colombia. Remember that you can get ministry updates from them in the Prayer section of the Generations app or by subscribing to their email updates on their website.
- Along the lines of this past Sunday's sermon, let's spend some time deliberately considering what it would look like for us to abide in Christ, both corporately and individually. Ask the Lord to reveal to you the areas of your life where your knowledge of God's Word outpaces your obedience to Jesus. What is one specific step of faith-filled obedience that you can take today? Let's pray that the Spirit of God would empower our church family to abide in the love of Christ through obedience, that we might bear fruit to the glory of God and that the immeasurable joy of Jesus himself may root itself deeply within us!
- Pray for the marriages within our church, that the Lord would strengthen them and protect them against every attack of the enemy. Let's ask God to teach us what it means to take up our cross, die to self, and sacrificially love and serve our spouses. May we be quick to repent and quick to forgive, remembering that in Christ we have been graciously released from the condemnation that each one of us rightly deserved. Let's pray for Jesus to rebuild the ruins of broken relationships, to heal the painful wounds of the past, and to replace our ashes with beauty for our good and for his glory.
December 15th, 2021
- Tyler Hoitsma is in Honduras for a few more days with the youth soccer ministry he works for, UPPER90. So far they've had a "Christmas Cup" soccer tournament, done service projects and soccer clinics with Sparrow Missions, and reconnected with friends at Eternal Family Project, a loving home and family environment that provides for and nurtures the children of Honduras that have been abused, abandoned and neglected by their families. Please continue to pray that the Lord would guide Tyler's team as they serve, protecting them and helping them to make the love of Christ known through their words and actions.
- On Monday, December 13th Meagan Hortman passed away unexpectedly, leaving behind her husband Jason and three children (Charlie, Samuel, and Eleanor). Meagan is also the sister of Betsy Rowell. Please pray for this grieving family and consider signing up for a date on their meal train. There is also a Google calendar that will be updated with upcoming needs (grocery pickup, laundry runs, childcare, travel assistance, etc.). If you have any questions, please contact Marte Henley (martehenley@gmail.com, 404-630-6409).
To find this information in the future, go to the SERVE section of the Generations app and select Service Opportunities.
December 8th, 2021
- Angel Ballew (a missionary partner of ours in Barranquilla, Colombia) lost her grandfather this week. Please pray for the Lord to comfort her and her family, especially with her being far off in another country and not able to mourn with them. Additionally, here are some requests Angel's husband Joel shared with us this week that we can be praying for:
- Prayers for the four leaders that we have been working with for the last 4 months. We have been disciplining them and counseling each of them. They range in age from 25 to 34.
- The spiritual warfare we feel as a couple and the family. The more ministry success we see, the more we seem to face adversity.
- Lift up one of our church partners, Christian and his wife Evelyn. They just got married on Friday and have been leading a church in the city center. They are an awesome couple and we are praying for God's anointing in this next stage of their journey.
- This Friday, Tyler Hoitsma leaves for Honduras with his youth soccer ministry, UPPER90. Please pray for health and safety, traveling mercies, and for open hearts to the gospel message they'll be sharing at soccer tournaments and practices. They'll also be reconnecting with friends they've known for years now, so prayers for a continued deepening of those relationships would also be appreciated.
- Please pray that God would give wisdom and guidance to our elder Paul Wilson as he puts together the budget for 2022. Let's ask the Lord to lead us to be excellent stewards of the resources entrusted to us, so that we might flourish as a church while also generously giving to other ministries.
December 1st, 2021
- Michael and Maegan Cody recently discovered that their daughter Aldyn has juvenile diabetes. She's handling it very well, but the family is feeling overwhelmed because diabetic care is truly life-consuming (plus the challenges of adjusting to life in South Africa). They've shared the following prayer requests with us:
- That God will comfort Aldyn in the hard moments and use this to draw her to Christ
- That he will give Maegan and Michael wisdom and strength in providing care
- That he will protect her from severely low blood sugar and further complications
- That he will equip her brothers to be sympathetic, understanding, and even helpful
- Praise the Lord, the Chamblee community group's international student Thanksgiving dinner was a huge success! Thank you so much for your prayers, it was an evening of lots of fun, new friendships, and meaningful conversation. Please pray for the students who joined us (Yudai, Alvin, and Ify), that the Lord would continue to reveal himself to them. We plan to do dinners like this more regularly, so if you know of any internationals who would be interested in attending, please contact Scottie Finlayson.
- Along those lines, let's thank the Lord for the sweet times of fellowship that he has been blessing us with in this season. Whether through first Sunday lunches, football games in the field, or the Thanksgiving meal hosted by the McCallie and Wtulich families, God has been pouring out his goodness on our church through the relational beauty that is only possible in Jesus.
November 17th, 2021
- The holidays can be a difficult time for those who have lost loved ones or are far away from them. Let's pray that all our missionaries in foreign countries (Joel & Angel Ballew, Michael & Maegan Cody, Rachel Furnish, and Gizela Van der Sandt) would be comforted by the Lord in the midst of any loneliness or sadness they feel, and don't be afraid to reach out to them and let them know they're loved and remembered! Please also pray for Paul and Karen Wilson as well as Mary Ann Rountree, who will be having their first Thanksgiving without their moms.
- The Chamblee community group is hosting a Thanksgiving dinner for international students on Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Around 75% of international students finish their studies without ever having entered an American home, so this is a great opportunity to model the love of Christ toward the sojourner among us (Deuteronomy 10:17-19). Please pray that the students will feel loved, welcomed, and grow more curious about Jesus through this experience of Christian community. If you know of any internationals who would be interested in attending, please contact Scottie Finlayson.
- UPPER90 is having their end of season celebration at the church tomorrow. Let's pray that it would be a joy-filled evening, and that the Lord would guide the conversations of our brothers and sisters who are volunteering and getting to know the families that attend, perhaps even giving them the opportunity to invite them into our church community.
November 10th, 2021
- By the grace of God, it feels like our church is in a very healthy place right now. At the same time, there are areas where God has so much more for us! The vast majority of our church's growth has been from those who are already Christians finding our church (which we are deeply grateful for). Let's pray that we would not only be a place where longtime believers can find a home, but a place where those who don't know Jesus would find hope and new life in the gospel. Let's pray that the Lord would burden our hearts for our friends and family who are far from him and give us the fearless courage we need to be faithful ambassadors of Christ. Let's pray for God to pour out his Spirit and do a work so incredible that only he can receive the glory!
- At any given time, there will be brothers and sisters at our church who are experiencing joyful assurance in their faith, and others who are really struggling to live out their identity in Christ and trust in God's Word. Let's take a moment to remember in prayer the members of our church family who are wrestling with doubt, those who are exhausted and tempted to give in to despair. Pray that God would sustain them with supernatural strength that comes only from his Spirit, and that he would make the truth of his love, mercy, grace, and nearness a felt reality in their lives. If you know of a specific person who is struggling right now, consider reaching out to them to encourage and pray for them.
- Our sister Mary Ann Rountree's mom passed away on Sunday after a long period of suffering with medical issues. Please pray for Mary Ann and the rest of her family to be comforted by the Lord as they grieve their loss. And while we grieve alongside Mary Ann, we can also rejoice over the fact that her mother knew Jesus and is now in his glorious presence in fullness of joy, free forever from the suffering she dealt with in this life! But though this is true, it's still a very difficult thing to walk through, so let's lift up our sister Mary Ann in prayer.
November 3rd, 2021
- Gizela Van der Sandt has now been in South Korea for about 3 months, where she is teaching at the International Christian School in Pyeongtaek. She's doing very well and has been adjusting to her new home, but she would appreciate prayers for wisdom as she tries to settle on a church home to commit to (she's deciding between two right now). Gizela also requested prayer for the provision of counselors for the elementary school students, many of whom desperately need that kind of support.
- With Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up, many of our international missionaries (especially those sent out this year) probably experience a certain degree of sadness being away from friends and family back in the U.S. Let's pray for Gizela, Rachel Furnish, the Cody family, and the Ballew family, and make sure to reach out to them and encourage them if the Lord puts it on your heart! Remember that you can always check out their most recent updates on our Missionary Partners page.
- With the election yesterday, let's pray for all the newly elected officials. Ask God to give them wisdom and help them govern in a way that upholds truth and justice. Pray that they would see themselves as the servants of those that they represent, using the power entrusted to them to humbly and impartially seek the flourishing of all people.
October 27th, 2021
- Today and tomorrow, James is at an Acts 29 regional gathering in South Carolina where pastors of churches in similar stages of development can learn from one another. Let's pray that his time there would be encouraging and fruitful, and that he would come back home with a clear leading from the Spirit on what God desires for our church in this season.
- The Cody family has officially been in Johannesburg, South Africa for three months! On a practical level, we can pray that the Lord would help them find a used car that is dependable and affordable, as well as give them wisdom and clarity as they decide whether to homeschool their children or send them to public schools. They have also requested prayer for deeper friendships to form, although they've been encouraged by the development of relationships with Campus Outreach staff and members of their church.
- Rescue Mission Church in Barranquilla, Colombia will be having their first Sunday service in their new building this weekend! Thanks to your generosity and the Lord's faithfulness, we were able to contribute $1500 to this project, which allows their congregation to continue meeting and provides a location for their Psalm 119 Biblical Institute. Let's praise the Lord for his provision and pray for Pastor Juan Hernández as he balances his responsibilities of shepherding with overseeing the opening of the new building.
October 19th, 2021
- The Women's Retreat is this weekend! Pray for Robyn and Martina as they lead the weekend and for all the women attending, that it would be a life-giving and fruitful weekend where new friendships can blossom and old relationships can be deepened. Pray that as the women dig deeper into the attributes of God, their lives would be transformed to display more and more of his glory.
- We've had an influx of new visitors to the church over the past few months, which is something to praise God for but also something that requires faithful stewardship. Let's pray that rather than losing aspects of the warmth and family-type church culture that God has blessed us with, the Lord would help us welcome the newcomers with open arms and open hearts and incorporate them fully into the Generations family.
- Please be praying for our brother, Ron Swann. Ron had back surgery a few months back and enjoyed about 6 weeks of pain free living, but some of the pain has sadly returned. Yesterday was a particularly intense day of back pain. Please pray that the Lord would provide Ron with the strength and encouragement he needs in the midst of this deeply disappointing situation, and that he would be freed of the back pain that he's experienced for so long.
October 12th, 2021
- Last week, a high school junior in Matt Anderson's Young Life group named Aaron Kirkland lost his life in a car accident. Matt and those who knew Aaron (including Sam and Walter Montano) are heartbroken, but they are also rejoicing over the fact that he gave his life to Christ three weeks ago. Please continue to pray for the peace and comfort of God to cover Aaron's family, friends, and his Young Life community, who are in shock over this sudden loss.
- October is Pastor Appreciation Month, and a critical way we can support and show our appreciation for James is by regularly praying for him and his family. One of Satan's most destructive strategies against the Church is to attack its leaders, so let's pray that the Lord would be a stronghold and shield protecting James and his family. Ask God to make their home a place of peace and to fill James with all the hope, joy, energy, and love that he needs to faithfully serve in the role to which God has called him.
- Let's continue to ask God to shape and mold our church according to all that we've read in the Hebrews Bible studies and prayed for at the Worship & Prayer Night this past Sunday. May we be a church that is in awe before the holiness and power of Jesus, where repentance and intercession are daily practices, where the Spirit is trusted to lead and provide for all our needs, and where God's people respond to all the grace he pours out on us through lives wholly surrendered to him and the purposes of his kingdom.
October 6th, 2021
- As a result of declining cases, restrictions in South Africa have been eased and some larger gatherings are now allowed! The Cody family is deeply grateful to all those who have been praying for this to happen. They were even able to participate in a "City Conference" where students from the different universities that Campus Outreach ministers to were able to come together for a time of worship and teaching. Please pray for these students, many of whom are at this very moment wrestling with the cost of following Jesus. For more ways to pray, check out their September update on the Missionary Partners page.
- As James mentioned on Sunday, Rescue Mission Church (one of our partner churches in Colombia, South America) has been blessed with an opportunity to move into a new building after they had to leave their previous location. This will give the church a place to gather and also provide a location for the Psalm 119 Biblical Institute, a ministry of the church offering free seminary classes to students in Colombia and all over the world. Please pray that the Lord would provide the funds necessary for them to move into the building ($30,000 total) so that they might continue making disciples in their city and training leaders in sound doctrine, pastoral care, and Biblical counseling! If you would like to contribute, please make a donation here and select the Missions Fund from the dropdown.
- This upcoming Sunday (the 10th) we have a prayer and worship night at the church at 6pm! Let's pray that this night would take our church family one more step in the direction of joyful, expectant worship and faith-filled, dependent prayer. Pray that the Lord would break down the pride in our hearts, that we might not settle for a half-hearted, mediocre imitation of Christianity that we can accomplish in our own strength. Instead, let's pray that we would press on in order to receive the fullness of life that can only come through the power of God. We hope you'll come out and join us this Sunday evening!
September 20th, 2021
- This past Sunday as we dedicated children from the Chacón and Caro families, we talked about the incredible privilege and responsibility that God gives his people to make his ways known to the next generation. Let's take a moment right now to follow up on the commitment we've made to these families by praying for Titus Caro and Bella and Brielle Chacón (we can throw Manny in there too even though he was dedicated at a previous church!). Pray that our church would be a loving and supportive home where they would hear about and experience the love of Christ firsthand, in order that they might one day place their faith in him for salvation.
- This Wednesday, Atlanta 40 Days for Life will begin a 40 day prayer vigil lasting from September 22nd to October 31st outside the Feminist Women's Health Center on Cliff Valley Way near North Druid Hills. This is not a protest, but a peaceful prayer gathering where believers from churches across Atlanta will gather to pray for an end to the evil of abortion and to offer the love and hope of Jesus to the clinic's staff and patients. If you would like to sign up for an hour, you can do so here. And if you would like to coordinate with other Generations members, please contact Jackie Swann. This week's prayer focus is for the light of Christ to illuminate the darkened hearts of Dr. Tyrone Malloy, Dr. Carrie Cwiak, and Executive Director Kwajelyn Jackson, that they might turn from their sin and receive the love and forgiveness that can only be found in Jesus.
- Please pray for our pastor James Rowell, his wife Betsy, and their children Dylan, Josiah, Ephraim, Daniel, Reagan, and McClean. Pray that the peace of Christ would reign in their hearts and in their household, and that the Lord would protect them from every attack of the enemy.
- There have been many newcomers visiting Generations over the past several weeks, which we praise God for. Let's pray that they would quickly be able to get connected relationally with our church family and find a home at Generations if that is the Lord's will for their family. Make sure to introduce yourself when you see them, and don't be afraid to invite them to coffee, lunch, or your community group!
September 14th, 2021
- UPPER90 has officially kicked off their fall season! One exciting development is that Jackie Swann is helping teach an ESL class for the parents of players using a curriculum that works from Bible stories. Let's pray that the Lord would draw parents to the ESL class and give opportunities to share the gospel, and for life change in Christ for the families and their children participating in the soccer league.
- Pray for our elders (James Rowell and Paul Wilson) and their wives (Betsy and Karen), that the Spirit would guide them and empower them to lead our church well in this season. Ask God to give them servant hearts as they humbly shepherd the flock at Generations, and for protection for them and their families against the evil one and his attempts to derail and discourage them.
- Rachel Furnish has now been in Thailand for 2 months! Unfortunately, the country has gone back into lockdown due to COVID, which has made it difficult to settle into life there. All of her teaching has been virtual so far, which has significantly limited her ability to build relationships with students. Please pray for the Lord to encourage her in the midst of these frustrations and give her opportunities to serve and share the gospel with others despite the current restrictions. Pray also for the country of Thailand, that COVID cases would go down so that the country can ease back its strict lockdown measures.
- Please continue to pray for our sister Amanda Rawson, who had a stroke after a serious case of COVID. She's now back in her home, and a meal train has been set up to provide food for her as she recovers. Sign up here if you'd like to help!
- Next week, Atlanta 40 Days for Life will begin a 40 day prayer vigil lasting from September 22nd to October 31st outside the Feminist Women's Health Center on Cliff Valley Way near North Druid Hills. This is not a protest, but a peaceful prayer gathering where believers from churches across Atlanta will gather to pray for an end to the evil of abortion and to offer the love and hope of Jesus to the clinic's staff and patients. If you would like to sign up for an hour, you can do so here. And if you would like to coordinate with other Generations members, please contact Jackie Swann.
August 31st, 2021
- Pastor Felix of Burkina Faso let us know today that they feel the effects of our prayers, praise the Lord for hearing the cries of his people! He's asked us to pray for 17 babies in the orphanage (all of whom have very touching stories) and for the construction of a Sunday School since it's hard to bring the children together for a class during the rainy season. Pray also for the revitalization and spiritual awakening of the youth. For a full list of his prayer requests, check out the Church Partners page (in the prayer section of the app).
- About a month ago, our dear sister Amanda Rawson came down with a serious case of COVID. After having recovered, she had a stroke and had to go back to the hospital, which is where she'll be for the next couple weeks. She's recovering well but is still having difficulty moving her right arm and hand. Pray that the Lord would fully heal her body and give great wisdom and skill to the doctors and nurses taking care of her! If you know Amanda personally, please reach out to her to encourage her and support her in this difficult time.
- Our Next Generations children's ministry is kicking off next Sunday! However, there is still work to be done to prepare the space upstairs and get all the right processes in place. Pray for Jasmine Gilcrease as she continues to lead these efforts (and thank God for all the hard work she's put in so far!). Pray that all we do in this area would serve the purpose of creating an environment where our children can learn about and personally experience the goodness of God, that they might place their faith in Christ and grow to be mature disciples of him.
August 24th, 2021
- Praise the Lord, the Cody family is beginning to get settled into life in South Africa! God has provided them with a car in great condition as well as a wonderful house that's close to both of the college campuses they'll be ministering at. They've already gotten to host a Campus Outreach leadership training and an evangelistic event at their house, so they're jumping right in! For more information and updates, check out our Missionary Partners page (in the prayer section of the app).
- As we launch our different discipleship environments, prayerfully consider if the Lord might be leading you to join a cohort or a community group for the next year. As James preached on Sunday, the church is meant to live together as a loving and committed family, and that doesn't happen by just seeing each other on Sunday mornings. Pray that the Lord would take us deeper in community this year than we've ever gone before, so that the world might know we're disciples of Jesus by the radical ways we love one another (John 13:34-35).
- Continue to pray for those who are suffering in Afghanistan with the Taliban takeover and in Haiti with the earthquake that devastated the country earlier this month. As these events fade out of the headlines, thousands of people in these countries remain stuck in the turmoil of these catastrophes. Let's pray that God would pour out his mercy, rescuing believers from persecution, softening the hearts of aggressors, empowering relief efforts, and comforting all those in pain.
August 17th, 2021
- As we read headlines and watch video clips of the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, let's remember that these are real people with real families just like us who are terrified and fleeing for their lives. With the compassion of Christ himself, let's cry out to God on their behalf. Here is an article from 9Marks listing specific ways that Afghan pastors have asked that brothers and sisters in Christ around the world might pray for them.
- Persecution continues in Burkina Faso as well. Pastor Felix reached out to us again this week requesting prayer for the believers and the 5 pastors who have left their homes and their fields behind to take refuge in the nearby city of Mangodara. Let's pray that the Lord would provide for their everyday needs of food, water, and a way to generate income. Pray that their spirits would be strengthened so that their faith in Christ might not waver despite the violent situation surrounding them.
- Pray also for Haiti, where an estimated 1.2 million people were affected by a 7.2-magnitude earthquake on Saturday morning, which was followed by tropical storm Grace. Let's ask God to rescue those who are still in danger and to work powerfully through all the different organizations providing relief. In the midst of the aftermath of yet another catastrophic earthquake, may the Haitian people not fear "though the earth gives way," but find God to be their refuge and strength (Psalm 46).
August 10th, 2021
- Rachel Furnish is getting settled into life in Thailand, and school has officially started! However, she unfortunately has to teach online because the country is shut down. This has also made it hard to meet people in a new country, but she's grateful to have like-minded believers as coworkers who have provided her with a sense of community. Rachel has been asked to sponsor 6 different student clubs, so she has asked for prayer as she discerns what decision to make. Make sure to check out our Missionary Partners page to read more and stay up to date with Rachel!
- Please keep praying for Ron Swann's continued recovery from surgery a few weeks ago. So far he's been doing great, so let's ask the Lord for that to be his new normal! Pray also for Troupe family and Amanda Rawson who have both come down with COVID. Let's ask God to completely heal them and cause them to have no long-term effects.
- As James shared on Sunday, we'll be launching (and relaunching) several "discipleship environments" very soon. There will be classes (Bible studies and doctrinal classes), cohorts (intensive small group discipleship), and community groups (larger groups sharing life on mission). Pray that God would show you how you should pursue discipleship in this upcoming year and that the Spirit would fill, lead, and energize us all as we seek together to "grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ" (Ephesians 4:15).
July 27th, 2021
- Praise the Lord, Ron Swann's back surgery has been extremely successful so far! Ron's severe ankle pain has gone away, and his range of motion with his foot has increased. Please pray that these amazing results would continue and that Ron would keep recovering well from surgery.
- Pray for James and his family as they return from sabbatical and as James enters back into the pulpit and the demands of pastoral ministry.
- Let's pray for students, parents, and teachers as school starts up again. Between wearing masks all day long and going back and forth between virtual and in-person classes, this past school year was a very difficult and exhausting one for many families. Pray that the Lord would bless students, parents, and teachers with renewed energy, strength, and joy for the upcoming year.
- Our church will be jumping into a new year of ministry in August as well! There's a lot to be excited about right around the corner (doctrinal classes, community groups, retreats, and more), but the most important thing by far is that we are following and relying on God's Spirit and not ourselves. Let's pray that the Lord would do "immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine" in our lives and through our church this year (Ephesians 3:20). Pray that he would teach us to love one another so radically that the world would know we are disciples of Jesus. Pray that we would be more deeply engaged with and transformed by the Word of God than ever before. Pray that God would give us the compassion of Christ himself towards the lost and hurting around us, and boldness like never before to make the gospel known to them. Pray for the resurrection power of God to be put on display in incredible ways as the spiritually dead receive new life in Christ. May he help us to dream God-sized dreams that dwarf our expectations, and may Christ receive all the glory!
July 19th, 2021
- Pray for Ron Swann as he recovers from back surgery last Friday. He'll remain in the hospital for a few days, but he's been having a very hard time sleeping because of the pain he still feels. Please pray for the pain to subside so he can get some rest and begin to heal. Pray that the Lord would be near to both him and his wife Jackie in the midst of their suffering, and that they would even experience a joy and fellowship with Jesus not possible if it weren't for this trial.
- The Codys have found a place to live in South Africa and the contract has been signed! They will also be getting a van tomorrow that they can use short-term. Let's praise God for these answers to prayer!
- This week the Generations staff will be going on a retreat for a couple days to bond as a team and plan for the upcoming year of ministry. Please pray that this would be a fruitful time for James to debrief after his sabbatical, and that the whole team would grow in unity, joy, and clarity with regard to the incredible things the Lord wants to accomplish in and through our church in the months to come.
- Passing on the truths of God to the next generation is a glorious and critically important task that the Lord entrusts to his people. Please pray that he would raise up more children's ministry volunteers that would step up and invest in the spiritual well-being of our kids at Generations! If you'd like to sign up, here's a link to the interest form.
- Shortly after arriving in Thailand, Rachel Furnish came down with a cold. It's made the mandatory 2-week quarantine upon entering the country even harder, and it's forcing her to recognize her own helplessness and need for others in things as simple as depending on others to help her order food or medicine. She also found out that she'll be teaching geometry by herself instead of on a team, which is a bit scary. Please pray for her health to improve and for the Lord to help her effectively prepare for the upcoming school year!
July 13th, 2021
- Sabbatical week 5: This week is James' last week of sabbatical! He and Betsy are currently attending an Acts 29 retreat in Colorado for pastors and their wives. Let's pray that this would be a refreshing and encouraging time for James and Betsy as a couple and that the Lord would give James a clear, Spirit-guided vision for the future of Generations.
- Continue to pray for the missionaries we sent out last week (Rachel Furnish, Michael & Maegan Cody, and Gizela Van der Sandt) as they get adjusted to their new homes. The Codys have specifically requested prayer for learning to drive on the left side of the road, finding a place to live, establishing a new normal family routine, and adjusting quickly to the way of life in South Africa.
- Our brother Ron Swann will be having back surgery this Friday. Please pray for a successful surgery, a quick recovery, and for long term relief from the excruciating back pain that he has suffered from for so long.
- Tyler Hoitsma is currently in Honduras with UPPER90. Pray for the Lord to give him and his team strength as they serve and for negative COVID tests as they get ready to return to the U.S. on Thursday.
July 7th, 2021
- Sabbatical week 4: Let's pray that the Rowell family would have a very fun and refreshing time together in Florida this week.
- This is a huge week for missions and prayer in our church! Rachel Furnish leaves today for Thailand and the Cody family leaves for South Africa. URGENT: This morning, the Codys are running into visa issues at check-in at the airport, so please pray for that to be resolved so that it doesn't interfere with their flight!
- Gizela Van der Sandt left yesterday to teach at a Christian school in South Korea. Pray that the Lord would help her get adjusted to her new home and prepare her for the work he has for her there.
- Tyler Hoitsma leaves this Friday for a trip to Honduras with UPPER90. Please pray for a fruitful trip as they minister to others through soccer!
July 1st, 2021
- Sabbatical week 3: Please pray for the Lord to protect James and his family from the attacks of the enemy. In the span of just a couple weeks, they had several appliances break down in their home and multiple instances of serious or even life-threatening situations with nieces and nephews. As it says in Ephesians 6:12, "we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places." It's easy to see how Satan would want to do everything possible to prevent any true rest from taking place on this sabbatical, so let's pray against that!
- This upcoming Wednesday (the 7th) is the day that Rachel Furnish moves to Thailand and the Cody family moves to South Africa! Pray that God would prepare their hearts and orchestrate all the final details and logistics according to his will. South Africa just went back into lockdown due to a COVID spike, so let's pray that this wouldn't interfere with the Cody family's move or cause them stress.
- Both the Species and the Hwangs are moving (or in the process of moving) this week. Let's thank God for the tremendous blessing that both of these families have been to our church and ask him to go before them as they relocate to new cities. Pray that they would quickly find a church where they can build deep community with brothers and sisters in Christ.
- Matt Anderson will be leaving for Young Life camp this Saturday. Pray that the Lord would give him and the other leaders the heart of Christ towards the campers, that they might strengthen their relationships with them while helping them to take the next step in their walk with God.
June 22nd, 2021
Don't forget that this Sunday at 6pm we'll have a prayer and worship night at the church. A main emphasis of the night will be lifting up the missionaries we're sending out and our church partners around the world. Hope to see you there!
- Sabbatical week 2: Pray for the Holy Spirit to fill James and Betsy for His service and for the family to enjoy their extended time together. Let's pray that they would experience individual rejuvenation in their relationship with Jesus that would overflow into fruitful ministry with the rest of the church. Ask God to give James vision and energy for the upcoming year of ministry and clear discernment of the Spirit's guidance.
- Update from Kristi Wheaton on the church in Burkina Faso that was forced to flee their village a few weeks ago: "They are still out of their homes, continuing to feel under threat- one girl has sought refuge with Pastor Felix and many other have gone into Ivory Coast or surrounding villages for safety. Burkinabé forces are in the village hoping to drive out the 'bad guys'. Felix continues to juggle so much, but the Lord is with him, and they are persevering under much pressure! Please pray for him as he meets with a local young pastor who seems to be asserting a lot of heavy handed power over his congregation... I can only imagine what all is troubling his heart and mind as he leads his church..."
- It looks like both the Cody family and Rachel Furnish will be heading to the mission field on the same day (July 7th)! Rachel will need a negative COVID test three days before her flight, so please pray that all the insurance logistics would get worked out in a timely manner. Rachel has also asked for prayer as she seeks opportunities to witness to friends she's visiting in Texas before her departure, many of whom are not believers. The Codys have asked for prayer for wisdom and energy during the packing and sorting here in the U.S. Please pray that they will be able to sell their van before leaving, find an Airbnb for the first few weeks in South Africa, and eventually a longer term place where they can settle in.
Don't forget that this Sunday at 6pm we'll have a prayer and worship night at the church. A main emphasis of the night will be lifting up the missionaries we're sending out and our church partners around the world. Hope to see you there!
June 15th, 2021
- This is the first week of James' sabbatical, and as you can imagine, it's hard to just "turn things off." Let's pray that he would be able to truly decompress and rest in the Lord, and that the joy of the Lord would be his strength. Pray that God would help Betsy and the kids to establish a new normal with James as they adjust to the changes that come with the sabbatical.
- The Codys just received a 4 year visa from the South African embassy, praise the Lord! This is a huge step forward and the gracious answer to many prayers. There are still many logistics to take care of (booking a flight, finding a place to live, shipping their belongings), so please pray that the Lord would guide them and show them favor as they make decisions in the final stretch before moving.
- UPPER90 is in the middle of running soccer camps in Norcross and several other communities. Please pray for a great turnout of players and for those who do show up to be impacted by the message of the gospel and the relationships they build/strengthen with the coaches and volunteers. Pray specifically for energy and stamina for Tyler Hoitsma as he is sometimes running multiple camps in a single day.
June 8th, 2021
- As announced on Sunday, James will be taking a sabbatical this summer for the first time in 10+ years of ministry. It was originally planned to take place last year, but then COVID hit and ended up being an extremely difficult and wearying season of ministry for pastors all over the world. Please pray that this time away from the responsibilities of leading the church would bring refreshment and renewal to James' spirit. Pray that it would be a blessing to his wife Betsy and his children as their family gets to enjoy this special time together. Pray that the Lord would use this sabbatical to protect James against burnout and prepare him for many more years of faithful and fruitful ministry.
- Matt Anderson is finishing up his last days on assignment with Young Life. Please pray for lasting fruit in the lives of the middle schoolers who have heard the gospel while attending camp. Pray for the high school volunteers to come back energized and determined to continue serving others and spending time in Christian community. Lastly, pray that the Lord would give Matt, Stacey, and all the other adult leaders the energy they need to finish strong in these last few days!
- UPPER90 has officially started camp season! Please pray that the Lord would prepare the hearts of the players so that the seeds of the gospel that are planted would bear much fruit in their lives. Pray for strengthened relationships, safety, and a fun and memorable week for all! If you'd like to help with the Norcross camp (June 14-18) or in any other community, check out their website or contact Tyler Hoitsma.
June 2nd, 2021
- Urgent prayer request from Pastor Felix of Burkina Faso: "Pray for our brothers at Alidougou church. The village was threatened by armed men and the church members all left the village, leaving behind their houses and fields. Pray for these Christians. Thank you." Please take a moment to ask the Lord to protect and provide for our brothers and sisters who are facing the threat of violence!
- Pray for Caleb Hawkins, who will be beginning a sermon series this Sunday called "Songs for the Son." Ask the Lord to speak powerfully through Caleb as he guides us through hymns about Christ that we find in the New Testament. Let's also pray that this break from preaching would provide much-needed refreshment and renewal to James so that he can continue to help lead our church from a place of health.
- Continue to pray for God's perfect timing as Rachel Furnish and the Cody family get ready to move abroad. Pray for all the paperwork to go through as needed and for God to prepare their hearts in these last weeks before they transition to life in a new country.
- UPPER90 has officially started camp season! Please pray that the Lord would prepare the hearts of the players so that the seeds of the gospel that are planted would bear much fruit in their lives. Pray for strengthened relationships, safety, and a fun and memorable week for all! If you'd like to help with the Norcross camp (June 14-18) or in any other community, check out their website or contact Tyler Hoitsma.
May 25th, 2021
- This morning at 10:30am, Michael Cody has a visa application interview with officials at the South African embassy in D.C. Please pray that the Lord would give him great favor with the officials he meets and for a quick turnaround with the visa. The Codys thought they would be in country by now, but they’re trusting God’s timing while also hoping to be able to make the move soon. Watch this video to get to know Michael better and hear how the Lord led his family into missionary work in South Africa with Campus Outreach.
- Our brother Matt Anderson left this week to go on assignment with Young Life. He’ll spend the next few weeks serving at a Wyldlife middle school camp, and we’ll try to get ongoing prayer requests while he’s there so we can bring needs before the Lord on his behalf. For now, please pray for deepened relationships and discipleship opportunities with the high schoolers he’ll be serving alongside and for lives to be transformed by the gospel.
- Protests in Colombia have now extended into their fourth week. What began as pushback against a tax reform bill negatively impacting the lower and middle class has morphed into widespread protests against the government concerning variety of issues. Violence has broken out on many occasions and road blockades have led to rapidly rising food prices, and brothers and sisters we know in Colombia have been directly affected by this recent chaos. Please pray for Rescue Mission Church, Calvary Reformed Church, and Iglesia Vida En Su Palabra, as well as for an agreement to be reached between the government and the protesters that will lead to peace.
May 17th, 2021
- As announced on Sunday, Stephanie Simmons and Sharon Wooldridge will be stepping down from their staff positions with Generations in the coming weeks. These two women are beloved sisters in Christ who have poured their hearts into our children's ministry, the church's finances, and many areas beyond their job descriptions. Let's take a moment to pray for them and their families as they go through this transition, and thank God for the tremendous blessings they have both been to our church. Please consider reaching out to them with words of encouragement and appreciation for their faithful service to the Lord and our family.
- In that same vein, let's pray for Jasmine Gilcrease as she steps into a staff position at Generations. Pray that the Lord would give her favor with the children and families of our church, as well as wisdom and vision for her new role. Ask God to powerfully equip her for ministry and to protect her and her husband Zac from any and every attack from the enemy. Lastly, let's thank God for faithfully providing a godly leader like Jasmine to serve our church in this area of need!
- In a culture that is increasingly polarized and ready to condemn others for a single misstep or a different opinion, let's pray that God would cause our church family to be "eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" (Ephesians 4:3). May we be quick to extend grace to one another rather than criticism, remembering that we are members of the same body, brothers and sisters in Christ.
- Praise God for the birth of Titus Miguel Caro!! We are overjoyed for new parents David and Danielle. Their prayer requests: "Just for rest and Danielle’s C-section recovery and for him, that as we disciple him he would grow to love and treasure Jesus more than anything else in this world 😊"

May 11th, 2021
- As we heard on Sunday, things are very chaotic in Colombia right now (read more here). After a proposed tax reform resulted in widespread protests in the streets, violence has broken out throughout the country. Road blockages have made the transportation of goods very difficult, which has led to enormous increases in food prices. On top of all this, COVID cases have reached their highest level yet. Please pray for the country in general and specifically for our brothers and sisters at Calvary Reformed Church, Vida en Su Palabra Church, and Rescue Mission Church. Rescue Mission has been hit especially hard, including 13 families losing loved ones to COVID in the past few weeks and violence on the street their building is located on. Ask the Lord to give their pastors wisdom to shepherd their flock well during this overwhelming time.
- Continue to pray for Rachel Furnish and her upcoming move to Thailand. Her planned departure date is coming up, and she's still waiting for visas and paperwork from the Thai government. Please pray that the Lord would show her favor and help her get all the needed documents at the proper time.
- Let's pray for the Church, both here at Generations and throughout the world, that we would be "in the midst of many peoples like dew from the Lord" (Micah 5:7). May the people of God be a life-giving and refreshing presence to a world that is spiritually dead and enslaved to sin. Pray that we would not hide our light under a basket (Matthew 5:15-16), but that the Lord would cause our love for one another and for the lost to overflow in such a way that it cannot be ignored. Pray for God to use his people to accomplish such incredible things that he alone can receive the glory.
May 3rd, 2021
- Pray for wisdom as we move toward a new ministry year this fall. We're looking at how we might relaunch gospel communities, how to best support our international church partners given current travel restrictions, how we can make Christ known while serving our local community, and more. Let's ask the Spirit of God to lead us in all these efforts, knowing that he is "able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think" (Ephesians 3:20).
- The Lord has been faithfully developing a love for Scripture in our church body through the weekly preaching of the Word and the different Bible studies that we've gone through. Let's press into this, asking God to kindle greater spiritual aliveness in our church family, helping us to bear more fruit in our lives as we seek him in his Word.
- Please pray for Rachel Furnish, who in a few months will be moving to Thailand to teach in a Christian school where most students come from non-Christian families. Pray that she would end her semester well teaching here in Gwinnett, for things to go smoothly with the Thai government as she applies for a visa, and that the Lord would prepare her heart for the work that he has for her in Thailand.
April 19th, 2021
- With the current sermon series on the book of Micah focusing in many ways on sin, judgment, and repentance, let's acknowledge before the Lord that our natural tendency will be to grow defensive, minimize our own sinful patterns, and apply hard truths to others rather than examining our own hearts. Truly putting our sin to death will by definition be a painful and unpleasant process, but if we do so, we are promised life (Romans 8:13). Pray that the Lord would give James the insight and courage to lovingly but firmly confront the specific ways that we as a church have tolerated and even indulged in sin, and pray that we would have honest and receptive hearts as we are pierced by the living and active Word of God, which is sharper than any double-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12).
- From our brother Eduardo Fergusson, pastor of Iglesia Vida en Su Palabra in Riohacha, Colombia: This month of April has brought some challenges, we are at a difficult point of the pandemic, there is a high occupancy of hospitals and clinics, relatives of our members who have passed away. And there is a strong sense of anguish and fear, we are again with many restrictions, for example we had curfew for the whole weekend. We appreciate your prayers for our city and our church, and for those who have experienced the absence of their loved ones, may the Lord help us as pastors to accompany and comfort the brethren, and may we soon be able to return to face-to-face meetings again. As a church it is difficult to keep up with the normal rhythm of our activities in the face of changing restrictions. Help us to pray then for healing, for protection and that we can soon overcome this point of the pandemic.
- Praise the Lord, Pastor Felix of EPE Bounouna in Burkina Faso has informed us that they have finished construction of a new church building! Please pray that God would raise up a godly leader to pastor this church and labor faithfully in this new area.
April 13th, 2021
- As we enter a new sermon series on the book of Micah, let's ask God to reveal to us the ways that we have conformed to the world rather than to his Word, both at an individual level and as a church body. Maybe it's an unhealthy pursuit of money, comfort, or material possessions that reflects a lack of trust in God's goodness and provision. Maybe it's cowardice that disguises itself as politeness or non-offensiveness, but ultimately holds us back from faithfully proclaiming the truth about Jesus to others. Maybe there is hidden sin or addiction that we have refused to confess to others and have allowed to fester in the darkness. Ask the Lord to reveal to us the blind spots that we overlook and lead us into the joy and fruitfulness that only comes through heartfelt repentance before him.
- Continue to pray for both Ron and Jackie Swann and Andrea and Alex Ellis. Both couples are facing decisions regarding their ongoing medical problems. Pray for the healing of their bodies, wisdom for all of the doctors, and perseverance and the strengthening of their spirits. Also, praise God that Ron's back pain has been at a manageable level for the past couple weeks!
April 7th, 2021
- Please pray for the family of Pastor Edison Florez of Iglesia Reformada Calvary in Santa Marta. Yesterday his whole family tested positive for COVID. Edison has a headache and body aches, his wife Meredid has a lot of pain in her body, a sore throat, and congestion, and his children Sofia and Evans have a headache and a fever.
- Let's ask the Lord to help us continue to focus our lives and thoughts on Jesus daily as we move past Holy Week. Pray that our church would be characterized by an ever-deepening appreciation for what Christ accomplished on the cross that would manifest itself in a growing love for the Lord and lives increasingly surrendered to him.
- Michael and Maegan Cody are facing a couple obstacles as they prepare to move their family to South Africa to serve as missionaries with Campus Outreach. They lost a major supporter and now need $300 more in support before they can leave. Also they have hit another delay in obtaining their visas, so we need God’s hand to push this through!
- Pray for James as we head into a new series through Micah. Ask the Lord to minister to him personally as he prepares to preach the Word to the rest of the congregation, and for wisdom and guidance as he wrestles through what God's Word has to say to us specifically in this season of our church's life.
April 1st, 2021
- Let's pray that we would keep the cross before us as we head into Good Friday tomorrow and Easter on Sunday. Ask God to open our eyes and hearts to the incredible reality of Jesus as the Lamb who was slain and yet is still standing, as James preached on in Revelation 5 this Sunday (listen here). If you're able, we're inviting everyone to fast tomorrow as we reflect upon and commemorate the death of Jesus on the cross for the sake of broken and hopeless sinners such as ourselves.
- Andrea Ellis received the biopsy results from her surgery a couple weeks ago, and the masses weren't malignant (praise God)! Unfortunately, she and Alex have been informed that they could be an indicator of an additional serious autoimmune disorder. Please pray that God would give wisdom to the doctors as they try to get to the bottom of this, and for encouragement and perseverance for Andrea and Alex as they deal with this difficult and frustrating news.
March 24th, 2021
- As Good Friday and Easter approach, let's pray that the Lord would prepare our hearts. Ask God to help us feel the weight of the cross, to treasure the abundant forgiveness and grace purchased by the blood of Christ, and to rejoice in the victory of the resurrection.
- With Sunday's sermon focusing on Christian ministry, let's ask God to show us how we can minister to our brothers and sisters at Generations and develop the skills he's gifted us with for the good of the kingdom. Ask him to bring to mind a specific person that you can encourage today.
- Andrea Ellis came down with COVID earlier in the year and has had different complications springing up since then. On Friday, she had surgery to address an issue with some nodules appearing in her hands. The surgery went smoothly (praise God!), but Andrea's having some pain as she recovers. Please pray for a good result with the biopsy, for relief from the pain she's feeling, and for a quick healing process. If you'd like to bring a meal to her and Alex, you can sign up for their meal train here.
March 16th, 2021
- With Easter coming up in a couple weeks, let’s begin to pray earnestly for our non-Christian friends and family members that we might invite to church. Many people are open to the idea of attending an Easter service even if they wouldn’t ever normally enter the doors of a church. Pray for the Holy Spirit to soften their hearts. Pray that he would fill you with the compassion and boldness of Jesus. And pray that ultimately, they would receive the free gift of eternal life through faith in Christ.
- Pray for Michael and Maegan Cody and their family as they get ready to move to South Africa to do missionary work with Campus Outreach. They head to D.C. in two weeks to apply for their visa, put their house on the market next week, and (Lord willing) will be on a plane to Johannesburg in mid-May! Remember to check out updates on our missionary partners page, and feel free to reach out to their family to encourage them in this exciting but bittersweet season of life.
- Praise the Lord for the ministries that are restarting in our church! We've relaunched some of our teams that serve on Sundays, and we're taking steps towards getting our children's ministry running again. Please continue to pray for wisdom as we seek the Lord's guidance and timing for this.
March 9th, 2021
- Praise God for an incredible start to our time in the new building! The time of prayer, praise, fellowship, and encouragement from the Word this past weekend was such a life-giving blessing from the Lord. Let's pray that it's just a small taste of what's to come for our church! Let's also give thanks for the many brothers and sisters who spent hours helping to get everything ready for the first Sunday service.
- Pray for Pastor Juan Hernández and his family as they continue to travel through the U.S. for the next several weeks. Pray that the Lord would help Juan form new strategic partnerships with churches here so that the Biblical Institute in Colombia would continue to have the resources needed to equip pastors for faithful and fruitful ministry. Let's thank the Lord for how he's using Juan and his family to advance the kingdom and for the encouragement we received through the time spent with them this past week. And if you want to learn more about Juan's story, don't forget to check out his interview on the Weekday Worship podcast.
- Ron Swann received his first pain relief treatment today for his severe back pain and is feeling much better. Praise the Lord and pray that Ron would experience continued healing!
- Pray that God would give our elders wisdom as they discern how and when he would have us relaunch our children's ministry and gospel communities.
March 2nd, 2021
- March 7th will be our first Sunday gathering at the Family Life Center of One Heart Church! Our desire is that this new building would be a house of prayer (Isaiah 56:6-7), a place that is pleasing to the Lord and a light in our community. Pray that God would guide us into faithfulness and fruitfulness in this next stage in the life of our church.
- With our men's Bible study in 1 Peter starting up this week (sign up here), pray that the Lord would keep us tethered to his Word both individually and as a church. Pray for protection and guidance for David Caro and Zac Gilcrease as they lead the study, and for perseverance and growth for all those participating.
- Pray for wisdom from God to know when we should restart our children's ministry and gospel communities.
- Continue to pray for the health of Generations members Ron Swann and Andrea Ellis. It's looking like Ron will need back surgery to replace discs in his back to help alleviate the intense pain he's experiencing. Andrea is still experiencing complications from COVID and trying to figure out some other issues. Please pray that both of these members of our church family would be restored to full health, and consider reaching out and encouraging them in this difficult season.
February 24th, 2021
- As we have our last service at CityGate this Sunday, let's thank God for how good he has been to us by providing us with a meeting place for the past six months. Thank him for the generosity of CityGate opening their doors to us, and pray that he would bless them and cause their ministry to be faithful and fruitful. Let's also pour out thanks to God for holding our church family together (and even adding to it!) throughout one of the most strange and difficult times in recent history.
- Continue to pray for healing in our country, both politically and socially, and that we as the people of God would take the lead in loving and serving those who are at times diametrically opposed to us. Along the lines of this past week's sermon on Christian nobility, let's pray that we would be uncompromisingly reasonable, explicitly evangelical, searchingly honest, unswervingly Biblical, and unassailably resilient in the midst of a culture that encourages polarization and dehumanization of others.
February 15th, 2021
- Pray for Ron Swann, who has struggled with chronic severe pain and has recently begun feeling a new pain in his lower back. Ask the Lord to provide relief and healing to our brother who has suffered with these types of issues for so long. Please also pray for wisdom and help from the new doctor that Ron is consulting.
- Pray for Andrea Ellis, who has been fighting COVID for a month now. She's had to go to multiple appointments trying to figure things out and get back to some degree of normalcy, but her oxygen levels remain unstable and are a source of great concern for both her and her husband Alex. This comes after years of other health issues as well, so please pray for healing, comfort, encouragement, and strength.
- Continue to pray for Maegan and Michael Cody (Paul and Karen Wilson's daughter and son-in-law), who are getting ready to move to South Africa as missionaries with Campus Outreach. Make sure to tune into their commissioning service tonight at 6pm via Zoom!
February 9th, 2021
- Last week we officially signed the lease on One Heart Church's Family Life Center! We'll begin meeting there on Sundays starting in March, and there's a lot of work to be done. Praise God for the brothers and sisters at CityGate who have allowed us to meet there the past several months, and praise Him for providing this exciting new opportunity for our church. At the same time, pray that the Lord would keep us humble, prayerful, and dependent upon him. It is critical that we remain in the low place before the Lord and not place our trust in a building, our own abilities, or anything else.
- We are now partnering with Maegan and Michael Cody, Paul and Karen Wilson's daughter and son-in-law, who are getting ready to move to South Africa as missionaries with Campus Outreach. They still have another 5-10% to go in fundraising before they can launch, and the visa process is still in the works. Pray that the Lord would provide for their needs and guide them through the process. The move is exciting, but it will also be very difficult for both the Codys and the Wilsons, so pray that the Lord would be near to them and comfort them all. Check out the Missionary Partners section of the app/website to stay up to date on how you can support the Cody family!
February 2nd, 2021
- Pray for Tyler Hoitsma and his youth soccer ministry UPPER90. The spring season kicks off this month, so please pray that God would provide mentor coaches and volunteers that would invest in the lives of the players and point them to Christ. If you'd like to learn more about getting involved, check out the Service Opportunities page. Don't forget to check out the new Missionary Partners part of the app (found in the Prayer section) in order to be kept up to date on how to pray for Tyler and the rest of our partners!
- Pray for the women's ministry as they start up their Bible studies again. Ask the Lord to give them a deep and abiding love for Him and for His Word, and that their relationships with one another would be strengthened as they study together.
- Pray for the men's ministry as they begin a 4-week Doctrine of Scripture class. Pray that the men of our church would grow in their confidence in God's Word and be empowered for Spirit-filled witness in a world that is increasingly skeptical of the Bible's claims of absolute authority.
January 26th, 2021
We're now in the final stages of negotiating a contract for renting the space at One Heart Church in downtown Norcross. This is a big decision, and our greatest desire is to follow the Lord's lead and be excellent stewards of the resources that God has entrusted to us. Along those lines, please pray for:
We're now in the final stages of negotiating a contract for renting the space at One Heart Church in downtown Norcross. This is a big decision, and our greatest desire is to follow the Lord's lead and be excellent stewards of the resources that God has entrusted to us. Along those lines, please pray for:
- Clear guidance and supernatural wisdom from the Spirit of God as our elders make final decisions regarding the building
- That it would be obvious if we're not to move forward at One Heart and that the Lord would provide us with other options
- That if renting at One Heart is the Lord's will, James and Pastor Gearl of One Heart would be able to come to an agreement that is mutually beneficial for our two churches
January 19th, 2021
- Pray for peace in our country as we approach tomorrow's inauguration. Tensions are still very high, but let's come before the Lord in humility and ask that there would be no violence.
- Continue to pray for members of our Generations family who have come down with COVID in the past couple weeks. Some who are being hit hard are Alex and Andrea Ellis, as well as Mark McClure and Nancy McKay. If you know of others we need to be praying for specifically, please let us know through the Request Prayer section of the app.
- Pray for families and teachers as kids return to school in some counties. Taking care of children at home and going back and forth between virtual, in-person, and hybrid teaching has been a stressful thing for many. Pray that the Lord would refresh those who are feeling worn down by this.
January 11th, 2021
- As mentioned in Sunday's sermon from 1 Thessalonians 5:12-14, ask the Lord to give you someone to encourage each day. Consider asking them how you can pray for them.
- Continue to pray for the families who were displaced by the Medlock Woods apartment fire a couple weeks ago. One of the families lost everything, has no insurance, and has a 2 year old with Down Syndrome and a baby due next month. To see a list of items you could give to help them, check out the Service Opportunities section of the app.
- Several members of Generations have come down with COVID over the past couple weeks. Please pray that the Lord would graciously restore their health and help them make a full recovery.
January 5th, 2021
- Pray for our country and the tensions surrounding the presidential and Georgia senate elections. Pray for healing of the bitter divisions in our country, a unity amongst the followers of Christ that transcends politics, and that Christians of all political affiliations will look to Christ alone as the source of their hope.
- Along the lines of Sunday's sermon from Hosea 14, take some time to examine your heart before the Lord.
Ask him to reveal to you the ways in which you have served other gods, indulged in sinful desires, and relied on your own strength. Ask him to help you individually and Generations as a whole to "take with you words and return to the Lord" (Hosea 14:2). - On Saturday, several of us were able to help victims of the Medlock Woods apartment fire move their belongings, and this was a tremendous blessing to them. We even got the chance to share the gospel with one of the residents, Chris. Please pray that the Lord would continue to provide for the needs of these families and that the entire situation would serve to point them towards Christ.
December 29th, 2020
- Pray that the Lord would protect our church family from COVID
- 20 families have been displaced from Medlock Woods Apartments due to a fire. Please pray for these families, and check out our Service Opportunities page if you'd like to lend a hand
- Pray for a refreshing of the presence of the Holy Spirit in Generations in 2021
- Continue to pray for God's guidance and wisdom regarding the new space One Heart Church and our 2021 budget
December 20th, 2020
- Pray for our elder, Paul Wilson, whose mother passed away last week. We rejoice over the fact that she was a believer and is now healed and whole in the presence of Christ, but we also grieve with our brother Paul in his time of mourning.
- Continue to pray for the Lord's direction and guidance as our elders prepare to make a final decision on relocating to the Family Life Center of One Heart Church. Feel free to reach out to James or Paul with any feedback you have regarding the decision.
- Pray for the health of our church partner in Colombia, Pastor Edison Florez, his wife Meredith, and his son Evans. The three of them have had flu-like symptoms, and Evans had 4 days of fever. Pray also that the Lord would provide for the families of the church Edison pastors who are struggling right now financially.
December 13th, 2020
- Pray for the Lord's direction as we meet this Tuesday at 6:30pm to do a building tour of the Family Life Center at One Heart Church. We are considering renting this space, which would give us more room on Sundays as well as a mid-week gathering place for ministry purposes.
- Pray for our church partners in Colombia, that the brothers and sisters there would remain relationally connected to one another and rooted in Christ despite the obstacles created by the pandemic. Pray for wisdom for pastors Edison Florez, Juan Hernandez, and Eduardo Fergusson as they lead their congregations.
- Pray that the Lord fill us (individually and as a church body) with joy and with the Holy Spirit (Acts 13:52).
December 7th, 2020
- Pray for wisdom and the Spirit's guidance for our elders as they make decisions about potentially renting a new meeting space and how to best allocate the financial resources that God has entrusted us with for the upcoming year.
- Continue to pray for the Rowell and Horton families after the passing of Betsy and Meagan's father at the end of November.
- Pray that the Lord would give us (individually and as a church body) a sincere love for people and a corresponding boldness toward people, to spread his Word (Acts 13:48-49).
November 30th, 2020
- Pray for the Rowell and Horton families. Betsy Rowell and Meagan Horton's dad passed away suddenly on Saturday, November 28th.
- Pray that the Lord would make us a stimulant toward revival in our time, by our attentiveness and responsiveness to his Word (Acts 13:44)
November 23rd, 2020
- Join Nathan, Laura, and Hero Barry in praising God: Annabelle Hope Barry was born on November 17th!
- Pray that God would help us fulfill our purpose in our generation, both individually and as a church body (Acts 13:36)